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                ||  Enjoy the story!<3 ||

    After a dreadful weekend, it was Monday once again, which, to Travis was worse than any other day in the year. It meant he had to go to school, then church straight after, I mean, he had to do that same thing on Thursdays but, Thursday was bologna day so, he could never hate it that much. Travis woke up at around 4:15, way too early but, he didn't care too much. He took a shower, got dressed, in a slightly different outfit, but still with the same long sleeves, he couldn't bare seeing his own arms, and he didn't want anyone around him seeing his arms either. His arms were covered in burns, cuts, bruises, and more. Nothing was treated, you would think Travis would have learned first aid by now but..nope. So, most of the cuts were probably infected but, Travis kind of just dealt with the pain.

By the time he was finished getting ready for the day, it was 5am exactly, the bus wasn't going to be there for another hour but, it's whatever. He quickly made Kenneth breakfast, thankfully not burning it this time. After, he put it in the microwave, grabbing his backpack and making sure everything was inside, he left it on the stairs and then went upstairs, doing his hair quickly, it slightly covered his eyes..god he needed a haircut, and his roots were growing out, he needed to bleach it again, but until he could, he had to deal with it, rolling his eyes. When he was done, he ran back downstairs, grabbing his backpack and leaving the house before Kenneth even woke up.

Travis waited at his bus stop for another hour before the bus got there, he was the first stop, so he could choose whatever seat he wanted but..he sat in the same seat he always did, in the back. Sal Fisher and Larry Johnson always sat in the seat beside him, Travis was convinced they only did it to be annoying. Travis placed his backpack close to the window then sat down in the aisle seat, one leg in the aisle, anyone would recognize him because of the shoes he wore. The next stop was Addison apartments. Great. The last people Travis wanted to deal with right now was THEM. Onto the bus came in Todd, Sal, And Larry. Todd sat near the front while the other two came to do their daily ritual of being annoying assholes.

Sal and Larry just sat together, the whole time, sal was ranting on and on about some stupid metal band. Travis rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and just sort of staring at both of them till sal and he locked eyes, Travis just scoffing, having to make a comment. "Jesus fuck you guys are weird.." he said it under his breath, but that was still enough to set Larry off, cause him to raise a fist to Travis, to which in turn, Travis flinched and shielded himself, Larry just laughing at that, mumbling under his breath about how Travis was pathetic and such.

Travis calmed down quickly, embarrassed for how he reacted , though thankfully the bus had stopped, they were at school now. Travis hadn't even realized that the bus was now packed with other kids, he sighed, picking up his backpack and slugging it over one shoulder, getting off the bus and quickly going inside the school to his locker, he checked his phone quickly..fuck. They had a test today, in science, his worst subject.  What was he gonna do? If he failed he  would be in so much trouble..shit. He began to look through all his notes, trying to study as fast as he could but, then the bell rang.

Travis was almost gonna cry as he ran to class, sitting down in his seat and when the test was handed out, Travis stared at it, he didn't know anything on the quiz. He just sat there staring, till suddenly his attention was turned away, hearing the teacher tell Sal fisher to wake up, Travis snickered silently, assuming the boy was in trouble but..then he heard the next words that occurred.

                      " Im already finished. "

WHAT THE FUCK. Travis was over here, freaking out because he couldn't even remember the answer to question one, but 'Sally Face' over there, already finished, and he probably aced his quiz too. Travis looked back at his own paper, tears welling up in his eyes, some falling on to the paper, he just answered the questions as best as he could, but he knew very well that he was probably getting all of them wrong, he already had a D in this class, and If he failed this quiz he would have an F..Kenneth already had said that if the grade dropped to an F he wouldn't have a meal for the rest of the week, which, Travis wasn't prepared for.

Normally, Travis did just force himself to throw up after he ate his food, it's why he looked so skinny all the time..honestly, if you saw him you would assume he's being starved. But, still. It was different in some way.

At lunch, Travis grabbed lunch, eating that gross, basically frozen pizza that they served every single Monday, that was part of the reasons he hated Mondays so much. He ate that, along with drinking that disgusting milk..other people were in the cafeteria eating it, but they looked like they were enjoying it, Travis on the other hand was only eating it so that nobody questioned him for not eating, but as soon as he finished everything on the plate, he stood up from the table, running to the bathroom quickly, going into a stall and locking the door, hunching over the toilet two fingers in his mouth, gagging..before suddenly, he threw up, coughing and spitting out..god it was disgusting. But, he had to. That was the only way he could look nice. He didn't have anyone in specific to look nice for but, it didn't matter. He still needed to look nice. Always.

fuck, Travis really, really wanted to die when he heard the bathroom door open, WHILE he was vomiting.

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