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After hours. Travis woke up, seeing bright lights everywhere, his head began to pound. Was he in heaven? Did he finally do it? No. He hurt too many people to be in heaven. With panic he quickly sat up, breathing heavily and looking around everywhere. The panic evident in his voice as he mumbled to himself.

"Where the fuck am I? Where the fuck.." he whispered over and over to himself, before finally seeing a doctor and realizing. Shit. He was in a hospital, it didn't work. He laid back down, he wanted to sob. But men didn't cry. That was weird. So he just kind of, laid there. Did Kenneth take him to the hospital? Maybe. But how did he get into the bedroom? He probably took the door off the hinges..he might've called Travis but he didn't answer, of course.

Kenneth probably only took him to the hospital because if he didn't, who was going to help at the church? Kenneth didn't really care about Travis' well being. If he did? He wouldn't beat him half to death for forgetting to do the dishes one night. Oh how Travis missed being a child. When his mom was still there. Kenneth never hit his mom. And he certainly never hit Travis, until he started getting angrier, hitting Travis' mom, and Travis. And then one day, she was gone.

That day was the day Travis' world crumbled. As Travis laid there lost in his thoughts, a doctor had came into the room, sitting in a chair beside him and smiling softly. Leading Travis to panic and sit up, putting his legs to his chest and leaning up against the wall..making Travis wonder..his back didn't hurt anymore. Weird. Maybe the doctors saw all the makes and bandaged him up, that would be a nice thing to do.

Travis just sat there with panic clear and obvious in his eyes. Hospitals scared him, but doctors scared him even more. But..this doctor was being so sweet. Talking to Travis calmly from a distance, as he was clearly panicking, she made an effort to keep Travis comfortable.

"Hey sweetheart, you're at the hospital, okay? Im sorry nobody was in here when you woke up, a nurse should have been watching you.." she explained in the calmest tone, making Travis start to scoot closer to her, starting to feel safe. "There we go, I'm Dr. Jackson, alright? That's what you can call me. We're gonna keep you here for a little while, okay? Just to make sure you're okay." Travis nodded in response. Still not speaking, hey, you couldn't blame him. No matter how nice she was, he couldn't trust her..what if she told Kenneth everything he was saying?

"Alright sweetie, you know that you're gonna start having to go to a therapist, sound good?" Not like he had a choice. He nodded. "Okay, awesome. You get comfy in here, I'll be back soon." Travis sighed with relief, thankful she was finally gone.

As she left the room. Travis just hummed and talked to himself quietly, that was something only 'crazy' people did but, he found comfort in doing it. " I have to stay in this room..for a few days. Great." He said groaning, laying back down on the bed on his side, yawning quietly. He was wondering where Kenneth had been, but he was sure at the same time he had already gone back home. Like I said, Kenneth did not care at all.

Eventually, Travis got bored, looking around for his phone till he saw it on a table where there was a computer and other items for the doctor to use. He grabbed it and started scrolling through it, looking at more than 20 notifications. All texts from Sal Fisher, well, 19 of them. One was from Phillip, the one from Phillip stated: "I'm so sorry, Sal asked me to give him your number." Travis rolled his head, he wasn't dealing with this right now, especially not with the fact he literally just tried to end his own life. He planned to not talk about that for awhile.

Soon later, a doctor came into the room, this one different than the other, she had sat down with travis, doing a few tests with him, asking questions then leaving. Travis was obviously confused, but then a little while later, Dr.Jackson had come back with a prescription in her hand, pills prescribed to him for his now diagnosed! Depression, Anxiety, Anger issues and OCD. How fun.

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