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|| pay attention to the cover of this specific chapter. It is very important .. 😇 ||

Travis had woken up at around 4:32am. Oddly specific, but he did normally wake up around that time after all. As he opened his eyes slowly, he realized that he was in someone else's house. And I'm someone else's bed, and he was in..somebody's arms..

Sal fisher.

His eyes widened the second he remembered everything that had gone on the night before, of course he was so thankful that Sal had helped him, and even though he wouldn't admit it, he felt so awfully nice falling asleep in the boys arms. But what if somebody found out about this? What if somebody- somehow walked in? Sal locked the door- but still! Somebody could pick the lock..or-

Travis' panicking thoughts were interrupted by a little sound made by Sal. And Travis suddenly felt hands running through his hair. "mm..Trav it's too early, go back to bed.." Sal mumbled, he didn't even open his eyes to look at the time, he just automatically assumed it was early. Travis had no idea how he could do that, just- go back to bed with such ease. Well- Henry wasn't a great father either. He was, very horrible. From what Travis had heard at least, and he was always he didn't bang on the door to ever wake Sal up.

Travis lifted his head a bit to look at Sal, he was wearing his mask to bed.. Travis felt kind of bad. Was he only wearing it because he was there? That was probably the reason. Travis was about to protest on going back to bed, but then he felt Sal's hand run through his hair once again, playing with it a little. Normally, Travis would have just moved away or pushed the person but- Sal's touch felt different.

He leaned into the others touch, and eventually ended up falling asleep again.. about 2 hours later, Travis woke up again, Sal was already out of bed..he slowly opened his eyes, upset Sal had gone away. He stayed laying in bed for another few minutes before actually standing up and looking over at Sal who was just putting on a shirt.

"Hey, Sal uhm.. could I by any chance borrow clothes?" His voice was so soft and sweet, this was a whole new version of Travis, obviously. In public, you would never catch Travis acting this way. Even if he and Sal ended up becoming friends- he would never flaunt it out in the open. "Yeah sure. My clothes probably aren't your style but..better than nothing, right?" Sal retorted calmly, leaving his closet open for Travis to look through. "Thank you." Travis responded, still in the same tone as before.

Right now, he felt as if he couldn't be mean at all. I mean- this boy and just allowed him to stay in his house AND Sal had also cared for him, cleaned up every cut and bruise..He could never repay Sal for that. Travis was distracted in his thoughts, but snapped out of it quickly as he calmly looked in Sal's closet, taking a shirt and some pair of jeans, looking at Sal for approval, to which he nodded, before walking into the bathroom.

Travis just did his normal routine for school, just faster now since it wasn't the time he normally woke up.. normally he woke up early because of his dad, sure. But waking up that early also gave him a lot of time to get ready, even if he didn't need all the time, it was nice to just go slow for a little while.

After Travis finally got out of the shower, he got dressed.. Sal's clothes did fit him, but yeah, it was definitely not his style at all. As he put on his socks and shoes, leaving the bathroom, he presented his outfit to Sal, who was just smiling the whole time as Travis showed off the outfit.

A sanity's fall shirt, and .. gray-ish black jeans. He would never wear something like this regularly, like ever. But- he wasn't going to complain, Sal was nice enough to even let him wear his clothes after all.

"Wow, you look nice in that style. Makes ya' look like less of a kid who's about to go to church." Sal said with a little laugh, Travis knew he was just teasing, so he also rolled his eyes and chuckled a bit before putting on socks, and his own shoes quickly.

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