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    || Thank you all for being so patient with me recently, a LOT has been happening recently so I have been able to write very well, but I thank you all so much for still reading this fanfic, I will do my best to continue until I'm done with it, I just procrastinate a lot too and I'm so sorry loves!! ||

A few days after Travis had told Sal about him being in the hospital, Sal had not stopped pestering him one bit. Well, in Travis' eyes it was pestering, but in reality Sal was just trying his best to help in anyway that he could..but Travis was not having it, he hated feeling weak, like he needed someone to take care of him. He preferred being independent..but Sal was awfully persistent.

"Trav?" "What." "Are you alright?" "Leave me alone."  Travis was harsh with every word he said, the harsh tone covered up the fact he sort of enjoyed having Sal there, knowing at least one person really cared. It felt nice, but he was never going to let anybody else know that, if he told someone that he felt that way, what would they think? Plus, he still hasn't told anyone else that he was in the hospital literally a week ago..not even Phillip, who had been bombarding him with questions as to where he was when he wasn't at school..but that's besides the point.

Travis was sitting calmly in algebra, Sal had come into the class about 15 minutes late, and there was only one seat left..which was beside Travis, so naturally, Sal sat there. Travis groaned the second Sal sat down.. "Uhg..great. Just what I needed." He mumbled under his breath, and then continued to take notes..god this class was boring. Then suddenly, Sal pushed a paper towards Travis..awesome. They were talking through notes now..

Travis wiped his tears away, he didn't even know why he was crying at this point! Maybe it was because he was stressed out, or maybe it was because it was Friday, and every Friday Kenneth decided to drink himself to sleep

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Travis wiped his tears away, he didn't even know why he was crying at this point! Maybe it was because he was stressed out, or maybe it was because it was Friday, and every Friday Kenneth decided to drink himself to sleep..but before he fell asleep most of the time, he took it out on Travis. Even if Travis was going through the worse shit ever..Kenneth did not care one bit.

Travis finally managed to stop crying, he glanced over at Sal, who was now instead talking to Larry who was in the next seat over. He sniffled quietly and slouched down in his seat, listening to the lesson as best as he could was definitely a struggle to listen when you had all these other thoughts in your mind. As soon as the bell rang, Travis stood up without hesitation, grabbing his bag and leaving the classroom.

He looked at the time, checking how much longer he had left..Uhg. One more class and then it could all be over with..but, then he thought about it. Couldn't he just skip that class? Kenneth would get a call about it but..not an email. After tonight, he wouldn't remember a thing's alright!! Right? Instead of going along with every other student, he ran off to the bathroom, he saw Larry Johnson, smoking in there so..he groaned and rolled his eyes, leaving the bathroom, looking for a new place to skip class.

He ended up deciding to walk just..out of the school. He managed to do it in a .. "sneaky" kind of way, well- not really. But he didn't get caught! So that was good. He kind of just walked to the church and sat at the steps there..Kenneth was at home, not the church..Travis was awfully sure of that. He stayed there for around an hour, and then when he saw the time, the time school was meant to end..he stood up and walked home.

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