movie night (ch. 13)

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word count: 1293

salish's pov

"with only five spots and six of us, that means one of us will just have to go back home. besides, it's only 1:20. if it takes twenty minutes to get here, it will take twenty minutes to get back home. so let's say you guys dropped me back off, then drove back here, it would be about two o clock.", I said. 

"I think that would work, plus mom would have to get her bags from baggage claim so that would buy us a little extra time", juju said

"what are you waiting for? drive neshan!", jiji yelled

"sh!t. I just got a notification.", neshan said

"what?", we all said synchronously 

"mom's flight landed early", neshan said

"so what do we do now?", nidal asked

"well, mom will have to ride in the passenger seat, so juju would have to ride in the back.", neshan said

"juju get out for a sec and see if you can squeeze four to a seat back there", neshan said. 

it was very squished in the back seat, and we were all sitting hip to hip together. 

"I don't think this is gonna work", jiji said

"yeah", nidal said blushing. 

"who's the smallest here?", juju asked

"probably salish", jiji said.

"jiji could sit in the middle with me and nidal on the ends at salish could squat on the floor behind the drivers seat on nidal's side.", juju said

"wait let me try that", I said

I curled up into a ball by nidal's feet and surprisingly, it wasn't too uncomfortable.  

"it works!", I said

we all talked a bit in the car for about fifteen minutes until their mom came out of the airport. neshan waved her over to the car and got out to grab her bags. 

also sorry authors note how do you guys pronounce "bag"? im curious :)) do you pronounce it "bayg/beg" or "bahg". in my state we pronounce it "bayg".  

when she got in the car neshan started driving home. 

"how was your business trip mom?", juju asked

"it was okay!", their mom said

"how was your 18th birthday jiji? i'm so sorry I had to miss it", she said

"it was pretty good!", jiji said. 

"what did you guys do for your birthday?"

me and nidal glanced at each other at the same time and were trying hard to contain our smiles and giggles. it was quite an eventful night for all of us. 

I was quite curious what jiji's side of the party was. after we went home I don't remember ever seeing jiji again that night. 

"oh we just kind of.. I guess you could say hung around. we went to the beach and then to the mall", jiji said. 

she didn't exactly lie.. she just left out the whole party part of the day. 

"that sounds like fun", her mom said. 

I glanced up at nidal and couldn't contain my smile. he glanced down at me and smiled too.

"nidal you've been awfully quiet for yourself, how have you been while I was away?", nidal's mom asked

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