resolving the problem (ch. 10)

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word count: 1437

warnings: 1 or 2 swear words

nidal's pov

"salish can we talk?", I asked knocking on salish's door

no response. I really screwed up, and I should have explained myself before salish ran away. 

"salish it's not what it sounds like", I said towards the door

the door swung open and I yelled "salish!", but I was met with jiji instead.

"salish doesn't want to speak with you right now nidal. you really screwed up. I can't believe you did such a thing.", jiji said

"jiji you don't understand I didn't-", I said as she slammed the door in my face. 

my own sister is turned against me. it seems like everyone hates me right now. 

my mom is coming home in two days and it will be really awkward if me and salish aren't speaking to each other. she'll know something is up and then she'll find out about the party, she'll tell jordan, salish will get in trouble, and then we'll all be in trouble. 

I have to fix this before she gets home. 

a few hours later

"salish, can we please talk", I said knocking on her door again

unfortunately she didn't respond again. I decided I would wait until tomorrow morning to try and speak to salish again. 

time skip to the morning

I woke up in the morning with puffy, dark eyes. I had spent all last night crying silently and barely got any sleep. I really hoped that today I could get salish to talk to me so I could explain myself because tomorrow my mom was coming back. I got dressed then went downstairs to make salish a smoothie. 

maybe a smoothie would win her over. I added in strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and some milk. I finished blending it and poured it in a cup. 

I decided I would wait outside of salish's room for her to come out and get breakfast. that way no matter what I could talk to her. 

I sat on the couch sitting in the corner outside of our rooms and waited. after 45 minutes salish finally came out. 

"salish let me talk to you. I also made you a smoothie", I said handing it to her quickly. 

"fine.. since you've been trying so desperately to talk to me it must be important", she said rolling her eyes

"what flavor smoothie is this?", salish asked

"oh um I put strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and rasberries in it", I said 

"yeah you could have just said mixed berry", salish said annoyed rolling her eyes again.

"okay you have 2 minutes to tell me whatever you need to say", salish said

"I just wanted to say I never wanted to take advantage of you or control you the night of jiji's birthday. when we came home from the party you were drunk and I took care of you. I held your hair back when you were throwing up. I gave you my clothes to wear to bed.", I said

"really?", salish asked

"yes salish. neshan and juju were pressuring me to have sex with you but I didn't want to. I didn't want to take advantage of you like that. I would never want to hurt you. you were so fragile and delicate that night.", I said

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