Chapter One - A New Life?

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During the Final War she arrived at the exact same time Gytauro did. But not long after she ended up falling into the infinity castle. She ended up in the same exact area as Mitsuri and Iguro. Her two great friends. She fought alongside them. They had been fearing extremely well until Muzan arrived. She continued to help. Even as she began to reach death's door. But being the stubborn teenager she was, she refused to die. She continued to fight until the sun rose. She still refused to die and ended up helping her friends, Insokue, Zenitsu, Giyuu, and Nezuko, hold back a demon King Tanjiro.

The night after the battle Yuzuki laid in her bed. Knowing fully well she was reaching her final moments. But her being stubborn refused to die there. Sitting up, she ripped out tubes in her arms keeping her alive, and went to Senjuro, her beloved brother in all but blood, once she reached him in his room. She woke him up. And spoke. "Sen, come watch the stars with me." He had agreed. So the two went out to the garden, found a nice area of grass and laid down. The duo laid in silence. The elder female began to feel herself fade away. So. She spoke. "Senjuro?"
"Yes, big sister." The female's hands moved to her blade. She refused to go anywhere without it.
"I love you." with those words floating in the air the female used the little strength she had left to speak. Still staring at the stars. "I love both you and father... please. Live a long life." It was getting harder and harder to speak. But she forced herself these last four words as she took her final breath. "And I'm so sorry..." Her eyes where trained on the sky as everything began to fade away. The stars where truly beautiful. She was glad that this was the last thing she'd see before death. She smiled as she passed on.

Yuzuki smiled at the sight of her friends and brother figure. She went to walk over to them. Wanting to huge Kyojuro. But something happened. As she walked forward she was sucked into a Black Hole.

I whined. My eyes opening. I was on my back on something really not comfortable. Like at all. I blinked. Confused. I blinked. More stars? But. These ones where different. My hand reached out to my side. Searching for my blade. My hand grabbed onto a sheath. My eyes moved over to the blade.

Sighing in relief until I see just how much bigger then me my sword was

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Sighing in relief until I see just how much bigger then me my sword was. I froze up. Realizing I was no longer a 5'6 teenager. But a fucking child! I shot to my feet. My grip on my sheathed blade tightening. Oh no. No. Nononononononononono. No! I was supposed to be dead. I was supposed to be with Kyojuro! My brother! I turned in a small circle. Tears pricking at my eyes. I'm supposed to be dead! It was the dead of night. I was surrounded by trash. I fell to my knees. Sighing and slightly shaking. I pulled my legs closer. Just now realizing how small I was. I stared up at the sky.

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