Chapter Three - Promises, Letters, and Vows

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It hadn't taken me long to get back. I had instantly put on a mask. I acted the same I always did. Like every other night I made dinner. Like every other night we played games. Then like every other night. At ten everyone went to sleep. I took this moment to pack a few small things. After righting my letters my eyes drifted to the pile cover by a blanket. I had been planning on giving them gifts this year for their birthdays. I looked down. Standing up I grabbed the blanket and walked out. There was a total of five tents. They where laid in a circular motion. With mine in the middle. I walked to the tent to the right next to mine. Placing on the ground two small wrapped boxes. One, consisting of a scarf with Feitan written on it. A letter placed neatly on top. Next to it I placed a box for Chrollo. In it two marbles. And a new copy of his favorite book. I moved to the next tent. Placing down gifts for Sheila, Sarasa, Pakunoda, and Machi. For Sheila a new book, for Sarasa a new outfit and a small game, for Pakunoda a gun, and for Machi a new outfit and a sewing kit. Followed by that I moved to the fourth tent.

This tent was to the left of mine. Placing on the ground I placed a gift for Uvogin, Nobunaga, and Shalnark. The gift for Uvogin was a simple necklace and an outfit. For Nobunaga I gave him a sword similar to mine. For Shalnark a really really old fashion phone. Finally I moved over to the very last tent. Placing down gifts for Phinks and Franklin. For Franklin I had gotten him a pair of earring and a nice big coat. One hell have for once he grows up. Then for Phinks. The pain in the ass. I got him a new outfit. And a book on manners and self control. As a joke. Hidden in its pages was a simple golden chain necklace. After that I stood up. Cleaned up the cooking area. Then took off in the direction of the woman from earlier. She smiled when she saw me. "Ah. You actually came! My name is Kikyo Zoldyck! You can call me mother from now on!" I just hummed.
"...Yuzuki..." she beamed at me.

The moment we got to her home I saw a gate. "Do you think you can open that?" I looked at her. Then the gate. Then her. Shrugging I walked up to it and gave a simple push with one hand. All seven gates opened. The lady squealed in delight. "I knew you where strong! Of Silva us going to adore you!" I just hummed. Next thing I know I'm standing in front of two men. An old man and a silver haired middle aged man. I just toned them out as they spoke. Then I caught the word assassin. I glanced at them.
"I refuse to kill humans. It's against the laws and rules of my organization." I stated. Glaring slightly. This caught the man, Silva as Kikyo called him.
"Human? People?" My eyes narrowed. Then I opted for the truth. Their assassins. It's not like they aren't gunna find out sooner or later.
"I'll get straight to the point. I'm supposed to be dead." I stared at the man. My arms crossed. "I'll explain from the beginning. I was once something called a demon slayer. I was part of the demon slaying corps. One of their highest ranks. Known as Hashira. We, pure human beings, would hunt down and kill god like creators, demons, who's only weakness was the sun and a special type of metal." My head jerked to the sword on my back. "Like my katana. Anyways. After thousands of years we finally had the advantage. So, we set out a trade for the demon king, the bastard I'd kill him a thousand times over, he, being the idiot he is, fell for it. We ended up in his castle, the thing was nearly endless thanks to the biwa bitch, we fought his remaining upper moon. With some miracle we defeated them. But that greatly dwindled our numbers to me, three boys, and five other Hashira. We fought Muzan, the demon king, until sunrise. In that fight we lost three more Hashira. My friend, one of the three boys, named Tanjiro was turned into a demon, thanks to that bastard Muzan, he conquered the sun, we turned him back. Then went to recovery. But that night. I knew I was going to die. So I forced myself up and had my brother go outside to stare at the stars with me. I died there. In the grass and staring at the stars with my little brother." My eyes closed. I huffed. "Next thing I know I'm in what I'm assuming is heaven. I see my older brother, my friends, my bio family, and my fellow Hashira in heaven. As I took a step to walk over to them I was pulled into a literal black hole. The last thing I heard was my elder brother yelling out for me. Then I woke up in meteor city. I was younger, but I still had my strength and abilities from before. Oh and my sword. I've been there since." I shrugged. "I refuse to kill humans. I just won't do it. At least not unless their trying to kill me or are about to kill someone's close to me." Silva, Zenon, as I learned the old man's name to be, and Kikyo stared at me shell shocked.

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