Chapter Five - The Journey and Exam

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I stood on the deck of the ship. My back leaning against the fence. My eyes where closed, my hair pulled back into a side brain then twisted into a bun. My eyes stayed closed up until I heard a kid. I cracked one eye open and glanced at the kid. The weak ass men on the ship began to insult the poor kid because of his goals. Mocking him. Sighing I stood up. Placing my hands into the sleeves of my haori as I walked over to him. "Ignore them boy. You'll be just fine." I then walked straight past him. Headed to the other side of the ship. Hoping to get a nape or watch the clouds. But then I caught whiff of the scent of a storm. My eyes glanced in that direction.

Humming a small tune to myself I swung back and fourth in my hammock. The storm raged on outside. My eyes where closed and I was completely calm. This was nothing compared to the fight against upper moon six. My left eye cracked open as I looked at the opened door. Before continuing in with my humming and rocking.

Now I stood with the other three. All of them where younger then me. My eyes glanced at each of them. The little boy from earlier, and two more teenagers. "Right then. Go down the line and tell me all your names."
"My names Gon!"
"I am called Kurapika."
"The name is Leorio." I blinked twice. Then closing my eyes I spoke.
"Hiyori Yuzuki. Call me Yuzuki."
"Good good. Now why do you b- you four want to be hunters." Leorio protested against answering. Gon answered honestly. Leorio protested against the boy and explained why. While also poking his head. Followed by Kurapika who denied to answer but explained. Humming I answered.
"Ehh. Mostly just because I was bored. Secondly because it'll help me find a few people." Soon after I closed my eyes and zoned out. Allowing the others to speak. But I came to when Kurapika spoke up. My eyes glancing at him. My hand moved on it own. He reminded me of so many demon slayers. I patted his head. Then glanced at Leorio as he spoke. Drama presumed between the two.

My eyes stared at the incoming storm my eyes closed and up I turned on my heal. I watched silently as everyone struggled. But I jumped into action the moment someone was about to fall overboard. Lunging forward I caught his ankle. I grabbed onto the fencing at the same time. Grunting I yanked him back up. Then handed him to the boy who was just about to jump after the man I caught. Next thing I know the four of us are being allowed to take the exam. I just hummed.

We walked. My eyes where closed when it hit me. An old memory. Do you have any idea what you've done to yourself girl! I remember,breed his voice so clearly. Muzan. He had said those words so harshly. I remember his smirk. You'll die, by the time you reach twenty five. I shook my head. Wanting to ride myself of those memories. Sighing I continued to follow after the group I've meet. My mind continuing to wander. How had I mess up the ages. I thought it was twenty seven. My eyes narrowed as we reached the test. Sighing I watched as someone else arrived and took it. I instantly knew the correct answer. So I just hummed. So instead of having roughly four year left of life. Now I only have roughly a year and a half. Maybe less. Maybe a little bit more. I again began to walk as we continued on. Going onto auto pilot. Which means I have to find them within the year... no. I have to find them a lot sooner. We reached a house that was being 'attacked' I instantly saw the test and just scoffed. Soon I ended up following around the Kiriko hidden in the forest. If I want to see them before I die. If I wanna keep them safe I have to find them much sooner. Right as the Kiriko jumped out I tackled it. Catching both it and Gon by surprise.

I continued to zone out. Until I realized that we where in a restaurant. Humming I looked around. Following the others as we walked to the back room. My eyes glanced at Gin as he spoke. Then I looked to the man who led us here. I simple bowed slightly in respect and thanks.  I ignored them as they spoke to each other. Simple glancing at them once. I blinked as Kurapika and Leorio began to argue. Images of Zenitsu and Inosuke popping in my head. I blinked at them. Before chuckling. My hand flew to my mouth as I tried to stifle my laughter. They all looked at me. Gin in relief the other two in confusion. That's when the elevator stopped and I finally composed myself.

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