Chapter Ten - Hunting and Heart Breaking Revelations

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I was standing with my friends in their hotel room. There hotel was a bit of a ways from my hotel room. I just deadpanned at the three idiots. I could lend them Jenny for it. I had far more then enough. But no. They refused. I was wearing a different out fit then usual. I wore white pants, a black shirt, and a red vest. I had on a belt and some light brown fabric tied around my waist. On both of my hands where black and gold gloves that reached just above my elbows. Then on my feet wher black and golden laced healed combat boots. Resting on top of my outfit was my black and red phoenix haori. Along with my dagger and katana

 Along with my dagger and katana

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I rose my brow as two suited men walked up to me and my friends

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I rose my brow as two suited men walked up to me and my friends. We ended up following after him. In the end we arrived to a underground arm wrestling. I glared at Leorio as he made Gon agreed. But just as he was about to join a weird looking man appeared. He began to speak. My eyes narrowed. Then I was handed a flyer. I froze. My eyes widening. Then I heard rumors. My heart dropped. I looked to Yasuha and Sheila. But my head whipped around when Gin and Leorio  began to talk about joining. "Mistress." Yasuha moved grabbing onto my arm. "If they find out..." she spoke so silently.
"Shut it... if you keep talking they'll know for sure. Sheila." The said girl flinched. "You have explaining to do." She looked down.

Next thing I know the sun is setting and Killua began to talk. They came to a conclusion. I short a look at Sheila. The look said. 'You have some explaining to do.' She looked down again. My gut twisted. Then, I felt an ask in my chest, a scar hung in my throat. The signs I've realized is associated with an attack. But then, extra pain shot through my chest. My hand flew up to my chest and I began to double over. "Mistress!/Yu!" Yasuha and Yushiro flew to my sides. Both grabbing onto my arm and or hip. Trying to keep me up right. My left hand grabbed onto Yushiros left hand. He grabbed it, but he also kept his right hand on my side. My right flew to my mouth Yasuha's own right hand was gently holding my wrist. Her left hand holding my left hip. I began to cough, blood pooling in my hand much faster then usual.
"Big sister!/Zuki!/Yuzuki!" Gon, Killua, and Leorio all screamed at me at the same time. Sheila moved to my side.
"Uzu your getting worst..." I laughed. Looking up and forcing my coughs down I spoke.
"Y-ya t-think?" I began to cough again. "I-I j-ju-just h-had a d-dead fr-frie-friend vi-visit me..." I began to cough again. I then felt a bit of my Nen react. They where fighting against someone else's Nen. Uvo was being reckless. I was so relieved that I gave him that protection mark infused with Nen. I felt my Nen protecting him. I then felt the winged tattoo on my back burn. The idiot was in a situation where he'll get himself killed. I then promo,y passed out. His amazing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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