Chapter Seven - The Last Two Tasks

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I stood with Yushiro, who now had a badge, we stood with the rest that passed the third phase. Waiting to draw our lots. I glanced at Yushiro who had glanced at me. We began to draw lots in the order we got here as. I looked around with Yushiro. We both began to memorize everyone's numbers. We all removed our stickers. I just hummed. Looking at number 89. I looked at him. Then I looked at Yushiro. His targets number was 281. I just hummed. "We'll work together. Alright." He nodded.
"Let's go for yours first." I nodded.

The two of us stood on the ship. My eyes looking at my friends scattered around the ship as I told Yushiro of what I remembered. In return he to,d me of everything he remembered from the past few years. He held and umbrella. Blocking out the sun. Soon we reached the island. Hisoka was first to leave. Followed by Illumi. I went on next but stopped. This confused people. After two minutes Yushiro came off. Once he came to my side we began to walk together. We waited, for my target. Then we jumped him. Yushiro used his mind control ability and I used my tattoo chains. Right after that we went looking for his target. We found him that night. He was asleep. So Yushiro again used his mind control ability to make sure he didn't wake up while I simply searched until I found the needed card. We then hung out.

Once we reached the second to last day on the island. I stared up. When suddenly there was a jerking pain in my chest. I doubled over my hand flying to my chest and gripping my shirts as I began to caught. Yushiro lunged to my side his hands flying to my sides as he tried to get me to sit up. I coughed and coughed and coughed. My right hand moving from my shirt to my mouth pain shot through my entire body as I coughed and coughed. A warn and sticky liquid pooling in my hands. I tasted some thing metallic and salty in my mouth. Blood. Then it hit me. It was my birthday. I was twenty four...

The curse was taking root. I was finally able to calm down my coughing. I looked at a panicked Yushiro. I just smiled at him. Ignoring the blood dripping down my chin. Ignoring the asking in my entire body. Ignoring my scratchy chest. Instead I leaned back and sighed. He frowned but sat down next to me. I looked at him. Then up to the stars. "Yushiro."
"Yes. Yuzuki."
"Im going to keep looking for a few of my friends. Will you come with me?" He glanced a5 me.
"Yeah. Im not going to leave your side." I looked at him.
"Yes?" I sighed then looked up.
"This curse... it's going to kill me slowly. Isn't it."
"... yeah... yeah it will." I closed my eyes.
"I'll die by the time o reach twenty five. So I have just about a year left to live."
"...yeah..." I looked at him. He was looking down. Sighing I leaned back and placed my hand on his head.
"I have a friend. Her names Sheila. When I die, if you still want to live, can you watch after her for me?" I looked at him. "If not you don't have to. It's cruel to make you live any longer then you want to." His eyes watered. Then he leaned onto me.
"I don't know. All I know is that I wanna stay with you." I just hummed. As I closed my eyes. My hand whipping the blood from my chin.

I stood side by side with Yushiro. We had finally finished the third part of the exam. The chairman had interviewed us all and now we stared at the bracket listening as the Chairman explained everything to us. I just hummed. The order was me, Hanzo, Gon, Yushiro, number 53, Killua, Illumi, number 191, Kurapika, Hisoka, and then Leorio. Humming I looked over to Hanzo. Who was staring wide eyed at the bracket. My head tilted as the Chairman somewhat answered Killua. Then he began to say the words. I just hummed. Then, I took a step forward. "Don't just back out right away. At least try first." He stiffened as we both walked to the center.
"No can do Hiyori-sama."
"What would Ten say if he saw his descendent so scared to fight little old me." He stiffened.
"You ancestor. Uzui Tengen would fight. In fact he once fought with his arm cut off and his eye sliced in half. He called it 'flashy'." He laughed nervously. I looked up. "I am but a reincarnation of the woman in those books. Who knows. You might win."
"You are still that woman. The woman who was rumored to be the strongest Hashira to have ever lived." I sighed. Shaking my head. Images of my old friends flashing in my mind.
"Nah. I can name bunch that where way stronger then me." That's when.
"Begin!" Hanzo lunged forward. Going straight for a neck chop. I side stepped. Unhook my sheathed katana resting on my hip and lightly whacking him in the side.
"Your slow." I stood there. Holding my sheathed Katana. "Try again." This is the least I can do old friend. I'll help guide your descendent to be stronger. He did. He moved. Going a tad bit faster. But again I dodged. Whacking him on his other side. "This time you where to loud. Ten was more then twice your size, hight, and mass and he could could move way faster and way more quieter. Again." This may be harsh. Whack. But he needs to learn. Whack. That no matter how fast. Whack. Or how strong. Whack. Or how smart. Whack. Or how determined. Whack. Or how brave you are. Whack. There is always. Whack, at this point I was just whacking him around and moving so fast that he couldn't say a word. That and he grew determined to get at least one hit it. Always someone better then you. Whack.

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