Chapter Two - A Family? Or a Freindship...

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I sat down in my tent. Sharpening my blade. It was early morning. The sun was still rising. It's been roughly six years since I first awoke here. I've learned a lot about this world. But as I learned more I realized something. One, I could never return home. Two, I can still us breathing techniques. And three, the effects of the Demon Slayer Mark still occur. Meaning that by the time I reach twenty seven... I will die. Shaking my head and ridding myself of those thoughts I looked over to the closed opening to my tent. I could hear the others out side. I smiled. Glade that they are having a good time. I continued to sharpen my sword. Still wearing my smile as I do so. Once I finally finished sharpening my blade I stood up, sheathed it. Placed it onto my back. Only because I can't fit it onto my hip yet. Then I went out side. I smiled at the sight off the others doing their own things. Nobunaga and Uvogin where wrestling around. Machi, Sheila, Franklin, Shalnark, and Phinks where playing cards. While Feitan and Chrollo where sitting by my tent. Clearly waiting for me.

I just glanced at the two. Surprisingly. Despite their personalities. They where the most clingy out of the group. Which was really strange. Humming I looked around. Trying to find Sarasa. My brows furrowed as I couldn't see her. I looked over to Sheila. She was the one most commonly seen with Sarasa. "Sheila." I began walking over to her. My voice caught everyone's attention.
"Yes, Uzu." There's their nickname for me. I walked over to her.
"Where's Sara?" Sheila's eyes furrowed and she looked around.
"I saw her last night. She said she saw something and wanted to go check it out. I thought she'd be alright." My brows furrowed even more at that. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my hearing. Oh the joys of having advanced senses. My hearing, senses, eyes, and nose could rival Zenitsu's, Inoskue's, Kanae's, and Tanjiro's. I still to this day used total concentration breathing 24/7. After all. It was a habit and habits are hard to get ride of. But this was one I never will get ride of. I could hear Uvo chuckled. He knew exactly what I was doing. So did the others. But they had the sense to be quite. I heard someone, probable Feitan he knew how sensitive my hearing was, hit him. Then I heard it. It made my flinch. Hard. My hands flew up to my hears. My head flew up and in the direction I heard it from.

I had heard a heart wrenching, gut curtailing scream. I didn't hesitate. I took off in that direction in a dead sprint. Catching the others by surprise. I kicked up dirt and rubble. A slight flame licking at my feet. Leaving trail of ash in my wakes. I couldn't care less. All I was worried about was Sarasa. I could hear Feitan and Chrollo take off after me. Followed by Uvogin and Nobunaga. Followed by Machi, Sheila, Franklin, Shalnark, and Phinks. But they where a long was behind me. Feitan might end up catching up. But I highly doubt the others will.

I didn't hesitate. I saw a group of men. They had Sarasa and a few others kids from the area. My hand and body acted on instincts. My heart pounding. I regulated it. Using Total Concentration Breathing Constant. Next thing I knew I fell into the transparent world. I lunged forward. Drawing my sword instantly I kept it's sheath on, i refused to cause harm to people. My sword was meant for demons and monsters only. But it seems, I'll need to change that point of view if I'm to survive. If I'm to protect those close to me. My mind flashed to Kyojuro, Mitsuri, and Iguro. But I did twist around in a small circle. My long red faded to yellow hair twisting around my as I whacked one person on the back of the neck. He instantly fell unconscious. I dropped down. Dodging an attack ment for my face. I saw the many leg muscles twitch. He was going to kick me. I acted quickly. Using my sheathed blade I whacked his legs. He fell down.

The same man's arm muscles twitched. Again I acted. Moving I chopped the back of his neck. He to fell unconscious. My head snapped up to the last man standing. I saw his legs twitch. He was going to run. I scoffed. He was a coward. I adjusted my grip on my sword. Unlike Kyojuro I used my katana with one hand. Usually o carried a dagger in my other hand. I lunged forward. My fisted left hand collided with the man's stomach. He doubled over. I moved. Twisting around and into the air I kicked his back. The man fell onto his knees. Next my left hand flew to his head and I slammed it into the ground. Cracks appeared around his head. I smelled some blood. I didn't hit him down hard enough to kill him. Only hard enough to daze him. I was growling. At that moment Feitan arrived. He froze at the sight. "Untie Sarasa and the other kids then tie up the adults."
"Alright." He instantly moved to do as I told him. My hand tightened on the man's hair. I came off his back then pulled up his head using his hair. I exited the transparent word and put my sword back. I glared at the man. Blood was flowing out of a big gash on his head. I growled. He flinched.
"Mind explain what the fuck you where planning on doing to my friend." I hissed out. The fucking bastard smirked. I slammed his head down again. Then yanked it up. "What. Where. You. Going. To. Do. To. Sarasa." He laughed and my gut twisted. I slammed his head down again. More cracks appeared on the ground. Right as I yanked his head back up, the rest of them arrived. I could feel them staring at me.
"Okay! We where gunna torturer then kill them." I saw red. This sick bastard. My grip tightened on his hair. My arm shook.
"Is that so..." my voice was even. Unwavering. It was sickly sweet. Sickly kind. Sickly gently. It reminded me of Shinobu's voice when she spoke to demons. Then, before I could think, before I could react. I slammed his head down again. He screamed out. I slammed him down one more time. He passed out. I growled and stood up. Grabbing him y the back of the shirt I dragged him over to a shock Feitan who was holding one last rope. He blinked. I grabbed the rope from him and tied up the bastard. Then I wrapped a fabric around his head to at least slow down the bleeding. He's lucky I didn't kill him. I looked over to Sarasa. I looked her up and down. My eyes settled on her wrists. They had rope burns on them. My brows furrowed. I sighed. Then I looked over to Sheila.
"I'm sorry you guys had to see that. I lost my temper and with it my self control." That hadn't happened since the battle against Muzan... I looked down to the blood droplets coating my fingers. Then to the slight blood puddle. Then back to Sheila. Then the two others kids who where with Sarasa. Then again to Sheila, then I looked to Uvogin. Then to Nobunaga. Then finally I looked to Chrollo "Ila, Uvo, Naga, and Chro. Can you four take Sara and the other two back home. Inside my tent I have some basic medical equipment." I looked at Sheila then to Chrollo. "You two remember what I taught you about medication. Wright?" I'm so glade I took up those medical lessons from Kano and Shinobu. The two nodded. I hummed. I looked around. "It's best we stick in groups of four or more from know on. I need you guys to head off back home though." I looked to the four tied up. "I have a feeling there more in the area. I'm gunna go check it out." I look pacifically to Chrollo and Feitan. "If I'm not back by night fall then move camp locations. Then if I'm not back by morning consider me a loss cause and forget about me. I'd much rather you guys look out for each other." There was instant protect. As I though Feitan and Chrollo had been the loudest. Like I said. Their clingy. My hand flew up. My brow twitching.

They all instantly went quite. Though I could hear a slight huff from Uvo and Naga. I honestly couldn't help the slight chuckle that left me as I shook my head at the two action. Sighing I looked up. "Come on now. If I take any of you guys with me you'll only slow me down. I'll also be more concentrated on protecting you then myself. Which would put us all in more danger." I stated. Feitan huffed and crossed his arms.
"Uzu is right. Well only slow her down and get in her way." I smiled and chuckled.
"Now I didn't say that." I went unheard as the others nodded in agreement. Chrollo looked at me. Worry in his eyes. Clingy.
"We are still going to look for you if you don't come back by tomorrow at noon." I chuckled and nodded.
"Very well. Now get out of hear."

The sun was setting. My arms where crossed as I glared at the group of unconscious criminals who had tried to capture and likely kill my friends and pretty much any and every other kid in Meteor City. I then looked over to the burning vehicles. I smirked. What was even better was all bit one person where tied up. And the one person who wasn't died up was handing from a tree with his foot stuck. I may not kill them. But like hell I'm gunna let them get away scotch free. After all. It's against my morals to kill humans. I heard a shuffle and my head whipped around. My hand grabbing onto my sheathed blade. I glared right at the woman. "I can see you. Come out." She didn't reply. I sneered. "Now!" For some reason the tone of my voice and the way I spoke reminded me of Sanami. Was I just mimicking those I knew and cared about now? The woman walked out. I stared at her. She wore quite a fancy hat. Had something on her face and wore quite the extravagant dress. She, I'm assuming, stared at me. I stared at her. "What do you want." Now my voice was dead and emotionless. It reminded me of Giyuu's and Muchiro's. The woman she squealed.
"Why aren't you just gorgeous!" I deadpanned. "And so cold as well! Why Silva will just love you." Next thing I know she's right in front of me. Well she'd been walking since I called out to her. My eyes narrowed.
"You didn't answer my question." Again I was harsh. The woman smiled.
"Your hash as well!" Then her lips pursed. "But your so dirty. And your hairs noted and dirty." Her hand went to gran a strand of my hair. I smacked it away. My eyes narrowed. She smiled stood up and clapped. "That's it! I've made my decision! Your coming home with me!" Now I was dead panning. My head tilted in utter confusion. Then my voice went to confusion. I swear now I was sounding like Tanjiro.
"What?" She smiled.
"Your coming home with me!" Then it hit. I shot up straight and took a step back.
"Like hell! I ain't leaving my friends!" She frowned.
"Ohh." She seemed to stop to think for a minute. Then she smiled. "Then I'll just kill them!"
"What!?" My voice was full of horror and fear. Now I was sounding like Zenitsu! Then my voice went hard and harsh. Great. Now I'm sounding like Inosuke! "Like hell!" She smirked.
"Then you'll be coming with me!" I stopped to think. My right hand tightening on my sword as my left fisted up. I growled.
"Fine... but at least let me say goodbye. I'll meet you here at midnight. I need to make sure their all asleep when I leave." The woman's eyes narrowed. Then after a long awkward silence she smiled.
"Agreed! If your not here by midnight I'll come looking for you!" I sighed.
"Agreed." With that I took off. Headed to camp.

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