Chapter Six - Revilations, Third Task, and Curses

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I had finally. Finally escaped the trap known as Menchi. I had also gotten the explanation from the chairman and was just walking around... but. Me being bored began to read about history. That's when I stumbled onto a supposed 'legend'. I stared. My eyes wide my hand shaking as o scooped up the book. Tears welling in my eyes. That's when it hit me. I hadn't been transported to another world... I had been sent to the fucking future! Shaking away my thoughts and emotions I confined to read. As I did I realized. It's been over a thousand fucking years since my time line. The beginning of the chapter was called 'Myths and Legends From Old Jappo.' I ended up reading my entire journey as a demon slayer. Then there where the legends. 'Tomioka Giyu the Heroism.' I slightly giggled at his nickname. My few missions and interactions with my dear friend flashing in my mind. He had looked up to both me and my brother. He was sweet when you got to know him. I then read what little info they had on him. Then I looked to the next one. Which had made me froze. 'Kyojuro Rengoku the Pureatory and Brother of Peace.' I read his slightly more detailed legend. Even his fucking death was written down in such great detail. I hear someone sit down. I knew my tears where long gone now.

I continued on. Ignoring the presence of Hanzo. 'Kocho Shinobu the Butterfly of Death.' I chuckled. It suited her. But like Giyu there was hardly anything on her. 'Iguro Obanai the Short Snake.' I really had to stifle a life there. But there was damn near nothing on Obanai. 'Uzui Tengen the Heaven.' I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing at that one. Then I read the surprisingly detailed description of his so called 'legend.' I could see that Hanzo was reading it over my shoulder. I also noticed at this point that all of them had pictures of their last battle or of their deaths next to them. How'd they got those so accurate? I looked to the next one. 'Shinazugawa Sanemi the Immortal River.' I just rose a brow. Hosed they get that. His was not so surprisingly very brief and short. Then I looked to the next one. 'Tokito Muchiro Son of Nothingness.' I blinked. What the Fuck? Then I read the surprisingly very very very detailed description of his life. I was disturbed. Very, very disturbed.

I continued on nonetheless. 'Konroji Mitsuri the Honey Coated Lover.' The fuck. Again I red the surprisingly brief story. Before I continued on. 'Himejima Gyomei the Bolder.' Accurate. Was all I could think of his nickname. Then I read the also surprisingly detailed story. Then. My eyes landed surprising extremely detailed story of Tanjiro - 'The Suns son Kamado Tanjiro.', Inosuke -'The Boar Man Hashiraba Inosuke.', Zenitsu - 'The Lightning Beast Agatsuma Zenitsu.', and Nezuko. 'The Daughter of the Moon Kamado Nezuko.' Then my eyes landed on a name that made me damn near drop the fucking book. Hanzo simple rose a brow.

My eyes stared, as wide as saucers at my fucking name! Right there. In the paper was my name. 'Hiyori Yuzuki The Bringer Of Peace and the Daughter of Both the Sun and Moon.' Such a long name. I bet all my money that Tengen, that asshole, and Senjuro, I'm so sorry little brother, made up that name. My eyes began to water as I read I summery of my life. My last life. They even had my last words in a quote. The paper read. Word for word. 'Childhood: Yuzuki lived the first five years with her mother, father and siblings. Two elder sisters, three younger brothers and two younger sisters. That was until her home was attacked by a lower moon. She had been confused and acted on pure instinct. Unintentionally unlocking her demon slayer mark as she tried to defend her younger siblings. She failed, though she barely held off the demon long enough for Rengoku Shinjuro to arrive. Soon he took her in, adopted her, and began to train her.

Teen years: As a young teen Yuzuki quickly became Kyojuro's student and the next Flame Hashira should anything happen to Rengoku. Regrettably, he ended up passing in her arms during the Mugan Train. Not even a week later she was named the new flame Hashira. She continued to help the main three throughout their journey.

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