The Business Proposition

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I got down from the carriage, looking around for the ticket booth as I bumped and pushed through the large crowd of people. I wondered why so many people were at the dock today, there were very few when I passed by.

-"Miss Kingsleigh!" I turned at the call of my last name, looking around for the man who had called me.

-"Miss Kingsleigh" lord Ascot stood in front of me, a stack of papers at hand, leaving me a bit confused.

-"Lord Ascot, what are you doing here?" I tried not to be rude but it honestly was a bit impossible as I really had to go before the ticket booth closed.

-"I have a proposition for you, one that I know will benefit you more than that ticket will" he said, eyeing behind me.

-"I need someone to be head commander of trade and merchandise, all the men I've interview lack one thing that you have plenty of"

-"Ambition" he told me, smiling.

-"You are the only young lady I know who goes against society's norms, rejects ladies expectations to follow your ambitions, and I know that being married to my son would have taken that away from you"

-"So I congratulate you, and wish you'd take upon my offer to be captain of the Wonder" a quiet gasp left my lips at the name.

-"My father's ship"

-"Yes, dear, he would have wanted you to have it, so it's yours to keep"

-"I do hope this means you'll take the offer?"

-"Yes, of course, sir, thank you!" I gave him a hug to which he smiled and returned.

-"Well, you better hurry, ship won't start without its captain" he gave me a salute, smiling and I gave him one last hug before rushing to my father's ship.

-A Few Months Later-

Three month's had gone by with no luck. The sailors were very rude to see their captain be female but as the weeks passed they warmed up, seeing I was fit for the job.

The Cheshire Cat had visited me a few times as well, letting me know that Jack, Hatter and her were doing their best to track the next rabbit hole.

I wouldn't be able to look for much longer though, mother had asked me to come home. I could only hope that the rabbit's hole would appear there, I missed Jack.

The ship was to arrive at home tomorrow, which meant I had to deal with mother's rules and expectations for a young lady. This was something I was not excited about as I had spent the last three months in trousers rather than ankle length dresses. I missed Underland, the dresses there were nicer and soft, and the need to wear a corset was excused.

My only hope at the moment was to find that rabbit hole soon, the Cheshire Cat had told me Jack was growing more madder every day since I was gone. I believed it until she delivered me a letter Jack had written that said he wasn't going mad but he missed me a lot.

If at all possible, I had fallen more in love with Jack through the letters than I already was. He truly has a way with words, each letter filled my stomach with butterflies and kept me in a content mood all day. Or, as the sailor's on the shop would call it, 'drunk in love' mood.

Hatter had sent me various letters as well, but he stopped sending them which got me worried there was something up.


After very, very long await the book is finally here.

I hope you all enjoy this, there will be no update until saturday.


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