Going Back

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-"We have three events left, pick a letter" Jack told me as I moved the wheel for the chronosphere.

-"L, H, or P"


-"Horunvendush day then" he pulled one of the levers and a wave opened up showing some dragon-looking-thing was breathing fire all over some houses.

We moved the levers and wheel around until we made it into the wave, landing harshly on the ground once more.

-"Don't even think about it" I warned as I got up from Jack who had broken my fall once again.

-"Do what?" the sly smile on his face was irritating but I was quickly distracted when I looked at my surroundings.

-"I-I think we found it"

The whole place was on fire, the trees were nothing but black branches that were still burning in some areas, houses were collapsing as the fire spread all over them, the sky was full of smoke and the smell of ashes and burnt wood lingered in the air.

-"Let's go see if they're still there" Jack suggested, breaking the trance of fear I was in.

Walking around there was nothing but people running as the large dragon-looking-thing spread fire everywhere.

-"Jack, there!" I pointed at the large family of redheads that resembled Hatter in all aspects.

We rushed over, running as fast as we could to warn them but it was too late, the dragon-thing got there before and blew fire in their way.

-"Y/n look" he pointed past at the waves of fire that were moving around by the wind current, behind the waves we saw the card soldiers pulling the Hightopp's being dragged away.

The Red Queen was standing behind them, smiling as she held a crown in her hands. We quickly left so she wouldn't see us, going over to where we started since it was enough space to open up the chronosphere again if we needed to.

-"But this means your mother would have them"

-"This wouldn't make sense"

-"Cat and I checked the castle top to bottom, there was nothing there," Jack explained.

There was silence as we both thought of what could have happened. My mind was blank until I realized that the Red Queen was looking for revenge over the Hightopp's. 

-"The White Queen" I told him.


-"She would probably take them away from your mother as revenge for taking the crown"

-"But she wouldn't let them go because Hatter took my side..." Jack finished off after figuring it out and I nodded.

-"That would mean that they are in her castle"

-"Then all we have to do is go back to out time period and have the other's help us look for them"

-"Let's go" I rolled the chronosphere and we traveled through the water until we opened up the wave with our time period.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while! 

I hope you guys enjoyed it! 


Alice Through the Looking Glass (King of Hearts x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now