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After giving father my response and getting approval from him, he lent me a horse which I took all the way to the White Queen's castle. Once there, Hatter, Cat and Jack were walking out and talking.

I couldn't see Hatter's family but I assumed the ant farm box he was holding so close to him and protectively had something to do with his family. Cat and Hatter noticed me first and walked ahead, leaving Jack and I alone.

-"Any problems?"

-"No, just a warning but if there's a next time..."

-"There will be no next time" he chuckled, holding my hands.

-"Jack...I'm going back"


-"I can't leave my mother alone, I-"


-"You're not leaving me-" I kissed him, he pulled me closer to him as if I were to disappear if he let go.

-"I'm kidding, I will stay"

-"Promise" I assured him. 

-"Good, because even if you wanted to leave I wouldn't let you"

-"And who are you to tell me whether I can stay or leave, hmm?"

-"Hopefully your future husband...if you accept" he held a ring in his hand, a gold band with a red ruby on it.


-"You don't have to say yes now, you can-"



-"Yes, I would be most happy if I got to marry you"


-"If you don't start believing me I'm going to change my mind" I teased and he rolled his eyes playfully, pulling me in for another kiss.

-"I love you"

-"I love you too"

-"We love you guys too" we both turned to look at Cat and Hatter next to us.

-The End-


That's it! We've finished the book!

I know you guys like this book a lot so I might add later some oneshot scenes of the two being parents and maybe a wedding idea or something like that. 

Feel free to drop any ideas or oneshots you'd like for this!

It'll be a few day's before the new book comes out, so thank you in advanced for your patience!


Alice Through the Looking Glass (King of Hearts x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now