The White Queen's Castle

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-"Hatter! Open the door! Please!"

-"Go away!"

-"You're not you!"

-"Please! I know where your family is-" I stumbled forward as he opened the door quickly, I had been leaning against it so he could hear me so when he opened it it caught me off guard. Jack was quick enough to catch me by the waist so I was spared of falling face forward.

-"Where are they?"

-"The White Queen has them" his face turned to be almost angry as the paleness of his face slowly went away and the color came back to his hair.

-"Bloody witch"

-"I'm going to find that White Queen and bring my family home" I smiled at him, happy that he was cured.

-"We should hurry, my father probably wants the chronosphere back"

-"Then we'll split, Hatter and Cat got to the White Queen and you and I-"

-"I'll go, I don't think my father would like to see you after all this"

-"I'm not afraid of him"

-"I didn't say you were, I'm afraid you'll start fighting each other so you go with them and I'll meet you as soon as I give the sphere back" he opened his mouth to protest but I kissed him.

-"I'll return as quickly as I can, promise" he kissed me one more time before nodding, hesitantly letting go of my hand.

-"Anyone going to explain to me who her father is and why he wants some sphere?" I smiled at Hatter and waved a goodbye to the two, leaving Jack to explain.

-At Time's Castle-

The castle was empty, none of the seconds or minutes were found anywhere. I ran to the grand clock and found all of them there, father was on the ground looking sickly and the seconds and minutes had merged into the hour robots to hold up the grand clock from breaking.

-"I'm so sorry" I rushed to him, he was on the ground clutching his chest.

-"I-I had to save Hatter"

-"I k-know sweetheart"

-"J-Just put i-it back and all will b-be well" giving him a nod I got up and went into the door of the grand clock and set the chronosphere in its place.

The chronosphere shot out blue light and it illuminated the place so much it looked like there were diamonds everywhere. I went back to find my father and he was standing as if nothing had happened, a frown on his face which was expected but apart from that he was alright.

-"S-Sorry" I walked over to him timidly, although I was too grown up to get lectured he would probably still give me one.

-"I will let you off with a warning..."

-"But should this ever happen again you won't be so lucky" I nodded and stood there until he pulled me in for a hug.

-"Will you be staying here or going back to your mother?" he asked as we pulled away.


Hehe, I'm leaving you on a cliff hanger. 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


Alice Through the Looking Glass (King of Hearts x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now