We Meet At last

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-"So you're the girl who's to slay my mother's beloved pet" Jack held my chin up to face him.

-"I thought I had told you I wouldn't" he smiled at me, I felt the butterflies in my stomach once more.

-"I missed you," he helped me up, wrapping his arms around me in a hug.

-"I looked for you, the rabbit hole was hard to find" I buried my face in his chest, feeling the quick pace beating of his heart comforting.

-"I thought you left me, I thought you weren't coming back" I shook my head softly.

-"The White Queen, she sent me back"

-"I know, I found out and she's kept the White Rabbit from making rabbit holes ever since"

-"For weeks he hadn't made a single hole, he then made smaller ones until the one you used today"

-"It was a close call, if it wasn't for that pocketwatch I would have never seen it"

-"Well then I am very grateful for the watch" he kissed the top of my head and took my hand, leading me through the hallway.

-"Are you back to your 'not telling me where we're going' tactics?" he chuckled at my question.

-"I'm getting you new clothes, you know I despise white in majority"

-"I think I'm starting to like the color in majority" I teased and the grip he had on my hand tightened as his steps quickend.

-"Jack, slow down! I'm joking, my mother made me wear it for a party"

-"Apparently it's in season to wear lighter colors such as this"

-"You world has very strange rules, makes it look madder than mine"

-"That's London society for you" I smiled.

-"Here" he handed me a red colored dress, one with playing cards around the bottom. It was short, would probably fit me a bit above my knees which was a bit unusual as the usual dresses I got were ankle long.

-"Is Hatter here?"

-"No...well...yes...sort of?"


-"He's been here but not fully, he's gone mad"

-"Of course he is, he's the Mad Hatter" I giggled but quieted down seeing as Jack wasn't too amused.

-"No, madder than usual, he won't come out of his room, he won't eat, he won't sleep, he won't-"

-"Sounds like someone I know, are you speaking of yourself?" the Cheshire Cat appeared in the middle of the room.

-"No mangy cat" Jack spoke to her harshly.

-"Really? It seemed like you were talking about yourself the past few months"

-"You should have seen him, Y/n, he wouldn't sleep, he wouldn't eat, he'd just stay by his office, tracking down the silly White Rabbit"

-"It wasn't until a month ago when the Rabbit began to open rabbit holes that he cheered up and-" Jack sprayed her with a bottle of water, she gave a 'meow' and vanished.

-"Jack! Don't be mean" he scoffed, rolling his eyes.

-"I'm not being mean! She wouldn't stop pestering me for months! Little mangy ca-" I kissed him to quiet him down.

-"I'll be back" I told him after pulling away and going into a dressing room.  


Sorry for the late chapter! 

I hope you enjoyed it!


Alice Through the Looking Glass (King of Hearts x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now