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The seconds had led us to a beautifully decorated room. It had dark wooden floors, cream colored walls with large, heavy red colored curtains that draped all the way to the floor.

There was a dark wooden table in the middle, full of platters with tea sandwiches and cakes of all flavors and colors.

I took a seat in one of the chair's and Jack sat in the chair next to me. He played with my fingers, putting the rings he wore onto my ring finger, giving a soft smile when he saw that they were too big. I rested my head on his shoulder, happy about being with him.

We sat in a comfortable silence until I thought about what father had said which made the silence nervousing.

-"Jack" I asked, my voice full of hesitance.

-"Hmm?" he didn't look up, he kept playing with my fingers, trying to find a ring that would fit.

-"What am I to you?" he stayed calm, still playing with the rings on my fingers.

-"You're mine, aren't you?"

-"Yours?" I looked at him confused, it seems a bit possessive to say 'mine', at least how he was saying it.

-"Mine to love, mine to care for, mine to kiss..." he kissed me softly.

-"Mine to marry someday if you let me..."

-Small Time Skip-

Father arrived a while later, he looked a bit stressed but I shrugged the thought away seeing as it was the face he usually had when he was planning something. But now that I think about it...what was he planning?

-"Now, I know you guys didn't come to visit, what do you need?" father sat in the chair in front of us, stirring 5 sugar cubes into his small teacup.

-"We need the chronosphere" Jack began and father coughed as he choked on his tea.

-"What in heaven's for?!"

-"Our friend Hatter is very sick and we need to bring him his family so he gets better," I explained.

-"Y/n I can't give you the chronosphere, it's what keeps Underland running"

-"Please father, Hatter will die if we don't bring his family"

-"You can look at the Underlandians Living and Deceased gates but that's all I can do for you"

-"But we-" Jack squeezed my hand as a type of warning.

-"That more than enough, thank you" he told my father and we both stood up to take our leave.

-On the Outside-

-"'More than enough'?" I asked Jack who had a sly smile on his lips.

-"If you can't convince him no one will, we'll just have to go with our original plan and take it" Jack explained as he opened the gates to the Underlandians Deceased.

-"What is Hatter's last name?"

-"Really Jack, you don't remember his last name?" he gave me an annoyed look.

-"It's Hightopp" he looked around for it in the rows.

-"It's empty" I mumbled, seeing the row for the Hightopps missing various watches.

-"Now we just need the chronosphere to see what happened to them" he took my hand and we hurried to find it.


Haha, I cut it off on a good part, I had forgotten about that. 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


Alice Through the Looking Glass (King of Hearts x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now