Tea Time

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Leaving Hatter by himself didn't sit well with me, but as much as I tried to get him to talk he wouldn't reply, much less open the door. It was frustrating. I wanted to help but what could I do if his family was gone, and if not gone, where could they be?

-"And of course I don't remember where the garden is" I sighed out as I walked away from Hatter's door to find Jack.

-After Asking for Directions and Getting Lost 30 More Times-

-"I really wish you'd put up signs around here or something" I mumbled as I walked over to Jack who was pacing.

-"It didn't occur to me for some reason that you didn't know the way" he walked towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

-"I'm sorry, love" he kissed the top of my head and I smiled.

-"It's alright, just don't leave me alone again" he nodded and took my hand softly, leading me to a chair.

-"So is the Hatter fixed?"

-"Not exactly, I tried helping but I don't think anyone but his family can" I sighed, stirring sugar into my cup of tea.

-"But how can we find them if we don't even know where they are?"

-"You could go back in time" the Cheshire Cat had appeared in a chair, she took a slice of cake, enjoying it as Jack and I looked at her confused.

-"What?" Jack asked.

-"Travel back in time, you two would be able to do it I believe..." we waited for a further explanation.

-"In Underland your allowed to go back in time if you some connection with both world-"

-"But Jack's from here, how could he go back?"

-"Jack's father isn't from here, he's from your world" I turned to Jack to ask for an explanation but he looked as confused as I was.

-"Your father came to Underland and met your mother"

-"He stayed here, got crowned, they had you and no one really ever found out that he was from the other world"

-"I only found out when your mother had your father beheaded, she said something about him being a traitor, having an affair with a lady from Y/n's world"

-"Some lady named Ivory, Inome, Imogene? I'm not too sure" I brushed off the similarity in name, there were many people named Imogene, didn't mean it was my aunt.

-"Then how do we go back?" Jack, who had been quiet for a while, finally spoke.

-"With Time's chronosphere," she half-explained.

-"Where do we find that?"

-"Well you ask Time for it, it's his" the Cheshire Cat grinned.

-"Time, as in a living being?" I looked at her more confused and she kept a smile on her face.

-"Jack, do you still have the key to the clocktower?" he nodded in reply.

-"To get to Time you go to the clocktower and go a mile past the pendulum"

-"From there you go to his castle, ask for the chronosphere and the rest you is up to you"

-"Alright, so we travel back in time, find out what happened to Hatter's family and come back here to fix it?" I listed out and the Cheshire Cat nodded. We stood up to leave and before we did she gave a warning.

-"And do try not to break the past, present and future..."


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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