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Location: The Arctic

Snow blasted around the Arctic as the cold water hit the ice burgs. Not many people go to the Arctic unless it's for research... or their evil deeds.

Deep within an ice cave sits a machine emitting heat to the ocean below, melting the ice burgs. "Once the ice melts, the ocean will rise. Cities will flood, resulting in global chaos!" A menacing voice rang throughout the cavern as the machine sent another blast of heat into the ocean below.


It's Christmas time in L.A. The streets are busy with people from the city, around the state, or even outside the state of California. The Spy Racer crew, though, is paying no mind to how many cars are around the city. They try to race when it's not rush hour, or at night, when no one is on the streets.

Speaking of the Spy Racers, they're super excited for Christmas. Even though it's still several days before Christmas Eve, most of them already got presents for each other. The only one they hadn't managed to get a present for though was Tony.

When they asked Tony what he wanted, he responded with that he didn't want anything and to not get him anything. Of course, the crew said that they were going to get him something. They just needed to put their heads together on what to get him.

Tony got everyone something, but he and Lucy, his little sister, didn't really care for Christmas. It was hard enough to not think about their parents. They didn't need a holiday to remind them that their parents weren't with them to celebrate anymore.

Tony never told his friends about his parent's death, and probably never will. He hated thinking about it considering he was there when his parents were shot to death in a robbery at a bank. He didn't want Lucy to remember that she'd been growing up without parents since she was four.

December 2nd, 2021
Location: Unknown
Tony's POV

"Anthony Toretto! Get your ass out of your room!" Tony Toretto's mother yelled from the living room. Scared for what might happen, eight-year-old Tony Toretto slowly walked out of his room, ready to meet his doom.

"Anthony, come here!" Tony's mother, Sidnee Scarlett-Toretto, said with an even voice as Tony made his appearance. Tony's dad, Marcus Toretto, was not home, so there was no one to save him this time. He wasn't even sure what he did. Tony slowly made his way to sit next to his mother on the couch in the living room. They sat in silence for several long minutes.

Tony was thinking that it was some plan his mother had cooking. Get him to confess whatever he did by letting him stew in silence. Finally, Sidnee sighed and put her arm around her son. "Tony, have you ever heard of the Krampus?"

"N-no?" Tony responded, now wondering what the conversation was about.

"Krampus is a demon of sorts. He is the monster of Christmas that comes and takes the naughty kids away."

"He sounds scary. I bet you and Dad could take him!" Tony said with excitement, bringing a smile to his mother's face.

"Thank you, Anthony. That's very sweet. But if you're bad this Christmas, I won't stop him if he comes to take away." Tony then looked at his mother like she had lost it.

"What does he do to bad kids?"

"He takes them like this!" Sidnee grabbed her son and started tickling him. "And he tortures them for their naughty doing during the Christmas season." Tony couldn't help but laugh as his mother tickled him. After a moment, Sidnee stopped tickling her son. Tony smiled as he got off her lap to sit next to her.

Spy Racers: ArcticWhere stories live. Discover now