Chapter 8: Truths & Beginnings

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December 18, 2021
Location: Somewhere in the Artic
Layla's POV

Layla's head hurt as she opened her eyes, feeling herself shivering as she rubbed against the semi-warm figure next to her. It suddenly hit Layla that she was against Tony as he laid on her. She blushed as she stretched and tried to support Tony.

"Toretto, wake up."

Layla mumbled as she started shaking Tony. When he didn't wake up, she started panicking as she shook him harder, trying to get him to wake up.


"Huh?! What?"

Tony jerked awake after Layla yelled his name. He looked groggy as he looked around the cave before leaning back on Layla.

"Why did you have to wake me up?"

"Because you need to stay awake, so I know you're okay."

"You're being so dramatic about that wound."

"I am not, Tony! I'm trying to make sure that you stay alive."


Tony muttered as he closed his eyes. Layla was starting to get worried about him even more than she was. His energy levels were completely down, and he wasn't acting like himself.

"God, I hate the cold."

Tony muttered as he snuggled against Layla, making her face flush. Even in the situation they were in, Layla couldn't help but feel flustered with Tony's body moving against hers. She knew that there was the possibility that Tony didn't have the same feelings she did for him, but she couldn't help the feelings that she felt for him.

"Tony, I have a question. Why do you hate the cold so much?"

Tony didn't answer, instead he just sighed and cracked his eyes open, staring at the ice wall in front of them.


Layla trailed off before she said anything more. She felt like it wasn't her place to question why Tony hated the cold so much. Although, it was a question she was dying to get the answer to.

"You can tell me about it later."

Layla muttered softly, not sure that Tony heard what she said. He seemed asleep again, but she couldn't tell for sure.



"We'll make it out of this alive together. I hope you know that."

"Well, at least one of us is hopeful."

Those words crushed Layla's heart when she realized that Tony didn't think they were going to make it out alive. He was always the optimistic one, and now, he doesn't believe in hope anymore.

But Tony did have a point. Were they going to make it alive?

Echo's POV

Echo slowly woke up from her sleep, noticing that there was something heavy lying on top of her head. Knowing what it probably was, she gently put her hands on the other head and lifted it off hers. She settled Shashi's head back onto her shoulder to keep him comfortable.

Looking around, Echo noticed that her cousin was nowhere to be seen. She wanted to go searching for where Kaya went, but with Shashi still sleeping on her, it was virtually impossible.

Glancing down at Shashi, a small blush appeared on Echo's cheeks. Shashi's body warmth was comforting, and she didn't want to make him move or wake up either, but she also needed to figure out where Kaya was.

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