Chapter 9: Safe at Last

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December 18, 2021
Location: Somewhere in the Artic
Frostee's POV

Frostee was slowly waking up from his nap when he heard a knocking at the metal door. The sound woke Cisco up from his nap and they both looked towards the door. They glanced at each other before grabbing a steel pipe to defend themselves if it was an enemy.

Cisco slowly edged towards the door before he grabbed the knob and opened it. He prepared for a fight but backed down when he and Frostee saw a red coat.

"There you two are!"

The man said as he motioned for his fellow red-jackets to come inside. Frostee felt a wave of relief pass through him as the men offered them more coats and food. They were safe. Safe from the cold. Safe from the bad guys. Safe from danger.

"Alright, you two. Your boss told me that there was more of you. Where is the rest of your group?"

"We... were attacked. Four guys that tried to kill us. We managed to lose the one that was chasing us, but we got split up from the rest of the group. Echo and Shashi went one way while Tony and Layla became a distraction for the other two attackers."

Cisco explained as he drank some of the hot chocolate from the tumbler one of the rescuers gave him. Frostee was worried about the other four and prayed that they were okay and doing well.

"We'll find them, but for now, what would be best is getting you two back to the main base so you're warm and your boss knows that you two are okay."

Frostee and Cisco nodded as they followed the rescue team out of the abandoned building and got onto the snow mobiles. They secured themselves before the team took off, heading towards the main base.

Frostee was relieved that they were safe, but there was still that nagging thought about the rest of his friends. He was worried that they weren't going to make it back to the main base alright, but he had to be positive. This was one of those situations that they had been through many times. All they needed to do was stay positive and hope for the best and not the worst. It was the only way to keep them going.

Echo's POV

"You two ready to go?"

Kaya asked as she gathered her things and got prepared to leave the abandoned building. Echo was so relieved that they were finally going somewhere that was safe, but she still had that nagging feeling about Tony and Layla.

"And then you'll go find Tony and Layla, right?"

Echo asked as she threw on her jacket and looked at Shashi to double check that he was ready as well.

"Yes. I will drop you two off, gather some medical supplies, and start searching for Tony and Layla."

"How will you find them though? Tony and Layla could be anywhere out there."

Shashi commented, striking fear into Echo's heart. She worried about Tony and Layla's safety, but now she was even more worried.

"Don't worry, I will find them. I have an idea of where they have been."

Echo and Shashi nodded as they finished grabbing their things. The trio headed out the building into the blow snow. It was better than it had been in the past few days, but it was still bad.

Kaya got in the front, then Echo, and Shashi rode in the back. They wrapped their arms around the body in front of them as Kaya started up the engine and took off in the direction of the main base.

Mrs. Nowhere's POV

Nowhere had been informed that the rescue team found Frostee and Cisco were on their way back and another agent that she didn't know was there checked in and claimed she found Echo and Shashi. The only ones they hadn't found were Tony and Layla.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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