Chapter 2: Hello Everyone

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December 11th, 2021
Location: Maximum Security Prison
Mrs. Nowhere's POV

"Well, Hello Mrs. Nowhere."

Shashi greeted as Mrs. Nowhere walked into the interrogation room.


Nowhere growled as she narrowed her eyes at Shashi and took a seat across from him.

"So, what do I owe this pleasure?"

Shashi asked, putting his hands together like he expected to get involved in another one of Nowhere's cases.

"We... need your help."

Nowhere reluctantly spat out as she watched Shashi carefully. He had definitely changed, but he was still as crafty and arrogant as ever. She really should've told the team first about the mission before getting Shashi involved.

Shashi smirked and looked around, as if he was looking for someone in particular. A twisting gut feeling made Nowhere think that he was looking for Layla or Tony. Layla, the one person he had betrayed, but still thought of her as a friend. Tony, the one person Shashi butted heads with, but still had respect for.

"So, what can I help with this time?"

"Have you heard of the glaciers melting in the Artic?"

Nowhere asked, still watching Shashi carefully like a hawk.

"Yes, vaguely. Didn't the news say that it wasn't normal?"

"Exactually. The higher ups are sending me and the team to the Artic to see what is really happening. They think it might be a global attack."

"Interesting, but what kind of part do I play in this?"

"Insurance. We need more help with this mission than usual. And considering you have helped us before, the higher ups thought that you would help again with a little of your time cut off."

Shashi stayed quiet for a while, weighing his choices. Nowhere, on the other hand, did nothing but glare at Shashi the whole time. She didn't trust him and thought bringing him in was a terrible idea, but that's what her bosses wanted.

"Will I get to see Layla and Toretto?"

"Yes, you will be working with them, but no agitating them!"

Nowhere said, trying to keep herself from slamming her hand on the table and walking out of there without a deal.

"I don't plan on doing anything to the two. I'm just glad that I get to see them again."

Shashi said with a smirk. A smirk that Nowhere wished she could wipe off his face.

"Do we have a deal?"

Nowhere growled as she stared at Shashi, thinking that she should just get up and leave.

"Of course."

Shashi held out his hand and Mrs. Nowhere reluctantly shook it, agreeing to the deal. A guard walked into the room to take Shashi away and get him ready for transport to the garage where Nowhere would then be hearing a lot of yelling from her team.

"See you then, Mrs. Nowhere."

Shashi said as he was uncuffed from the table and taken out of the room, leaving Nowhere in there with her thoughts and doubts about the mission.

Location: Layla's Apartment
Layla's POV

Mrs. Nowhere had texted and said that she needed to meet with the team. Layla needed to get something from her apartment though. So, Tony dropped her off at his house to get her car and met Layla at her apartment.

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