Chapter 6: Intruders

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December 16th, 2021
Location: Tony's House
Lucy's POV

It snowed in L.A, making mounds of snow pile up on the roads. School was cancelled for the day and Lucy couldn't be happier, mainly because she was too pissed off to deal with people. She had gotten up to make herself some breakfast, but all she could do was stare at the file sitting in front of her.

"He lied to me."

Lucy said out loud, staring hard at the report of her parent's death. She had reread the entire report a dozen times, and she still couldn't get it wrapped around her head. Tony lied to her.

"I hope you understand why Tony lied to you."

A voice said behind Lucy, making her jump. She turned around to find Jake and Max, Tony's best friend, standing at the front door of her house.

"What are you two doing here?"

"Checking on you. Tony asked us to while he was gone."

"Well, leave. I don't want to be bothered."

Layla snorted as she looked back at the file, rereading it another time before Max walked over to the table and slammed the file shut.

"That's enough."

Max growled as he picked up the file and held it away from her.

"Give that back! I have every right to look at it!"

"You've looked at it long enough."

Jake said as he took the file from Max, sitting down at the table and looking at the file himself.

"Why are you so mad at Tony?"

"He lied to me."

"To protect you from acting like this. Tony isn't as dense as you think he is. He just leads people to believe that."

"He still lied to me-"

"Get over it, Lucy! Tone did what he thought was right. You have no right to judge him."

Max almost yelled, spooking Lucy with the tone of his voice. She didn't argue back. She didn't think it would help get them off her case. But even if she did get them out of the house, they still would be all over her.

Lucy soon started thinking that maybe she could fake accepting everything. That would get everyone off her back until Tony got back and she could get some answers out of him. And hopefully, he'll give her the answers she's looking for.

"Fine, I'll stop looking at the damn file and return it."

"What about Tony?"

Jake asked, still giving Lucy a skeptical look like he didn't believe the words coming out of her mouth.

"What about my brother?"

"Are you going to drop the idea that he 'lied' to you?"


"And why don't we believe you?"

"Because you believe what you want to believe. Now leave."

Max and Jake exchanged glances with each other before getting up from the table and walking out the front door without saying another word. Lucy might not have convinced them that she was done with Tony yet, but she at least got them off her back from the time being until her brother returned from his mission and she could get some answers.

Location: Somewhere in the Artic
Tony's POV

Tony hardly slept all night. He was too cold and had way too much on his mind. At the moment, Layla was sleeping against him as he leaned against the corner of the room. He wasn't sure why he couldn't sleep, but he had a feeling it had to do with being too cold. Or maybe he just had too much on his mind to sleep.

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