Chapter 5: Snowy Travels

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December 13th, 2021
Location: Somewhere in the Artic
Tony's POV

Tony's head pounded as he slowly opened his eyes. He had a killer headache and really wanted to go back to sleep. Memories slowly started to return as Tony sat up and looked around the plane.

Everyone was asleep, which threw him off for a good second. He remembered taking control of the plane and doing his best to land it. Once they landed, everything went dark.

Tony stood up and tried to move around until a dizzy spell hit and he started to fall, but someone caught him.

"Easy, Tiger."

Tony looked up and found Layla smiling at him. She helped him up and put her arm around his shoulders.

"You probably got a concussion. You shouldn't be up moving around."

Tony heard what she said, but his brain wasn't processing anything correctly at all. Layla sighed and shook her head.

"You're so stupid."

Layla muttered as she helped Tony back to the spot they originally were. Tony laid his head on her lap and worked on trying to get his thoughts in order. Layla's hand started caressing his cheek as looked up at her.

"You're an idiot, you know that?"

"That's a bit rude."

Tony mumbled as his head pounded. His eyes were feeling heavy as he looked back up at Layla.

"Never pull that stunt again."

"I'll do... what it takes... to protect everyone..."

Tony managed to mutter out before his eyes closed and passed out on the spot.

Layla's POV

Layla sighed as she looked at Tony. She hated that he was the way he was. Adventurous, brave, caring, and all-around daring person. And that was the problem. Tony wasn't afraid to put himself in harm's way to protect everyone.

"Why are you so stupidly brave?"

Layla asked out loud, knowing she wouldn't get a response as she gently rubbed her thumb against Tony's cheek. She felt her eyes getting heavy again and knew that she was becoming increasingly tired again.

"Sleep well, Toretto."

Layla whispered as she made herself comfortable and closed her eyes again, falling into a deep sleep within minutes.

December 14, 2021
Tony's POV

Tony woke up again, but this time closer to when morning is supposed to be in L.A. The pounding in his head finally went away, but he still had that awful headache. He slowly sat up, making sure that he didn't wake Layla.

Everyone else was still asleep as Tony slowly got up. His stomach slightly growled at him, notifying him that he was hungry. Tony ignored it as he checked out the food and water situation. Tony already had an idea of how long they were going to be alone based on how severe the storm outside was.

The crew was doing fine on water, but they were not going to last on what seemed like one more box of plane snacks. It was not enough to keep everyone's energy up, plus Cisco would be complaining constantly that he was hungry. Not that Tony minded, but sometimes it got annoying.

Tony needed to figure out something fast. His head still hurt like hell, but he grabbed the mission file and pulled out the map of the Artic. Tony could read the map just fine, but he had no clue where they had landed. It was somewhere on the edge of the continent, but otherwise, he didn't know their location.

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