Chapter 1: Christmas Winter

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December 10th, 2021
Location: Layla's Apartment
Layla's POV

Layla woke up bundled into her sheets. Her room was cold as she sat up, rubbing her eyes. Since December started, the temperature has gone downhill. Usually, it's not freezing in California, but this year was different.

Layla didn't even bother to change as she wrapped a blanket around herself and stumbled into the main room. She quickly made a warm breakfast and sat down on the sofa, turning on the news.

"Officials say that sea levels have been rising rapidly in the last week. No one knows why, but many suspect foul play. An interview with a scientist in charge of a group in the Arctic said this."

"Ice caps have been melting and the water has been rising in temperature. Our scientists have been trying to find the reason for this sudden heat spike, but with no luck."

"Officials believe that if sea levels keep rising, it will flood ports, including L.A-"

Layla turned off her TV, afraid that if she kept watching, her theory that the Spy Racers would have to go check it out would come true. She did not feel like going to the Arctic just to freeze some more.

Suddenly, Layla's phone buzzed. Layla groaned as she picked up her phone from the side table next to the sofa. Echo was texting the group chat but was excluding Tony from the conversation.

Echo: 'Hey, how do you guys feel about surprising Tony at his house?'

Layla wondered about what Tony would say if they randomly showed up at his house. There were two scenarios. Either he would laugh about it and let them in, or he would be pissed off but let them in anyway.

Cisco: 'I'm down with it.'

Frostee: 'Same here.'

Layla rolled her eyes at her friends but decided to join the fun anyway. She hadn't seen Tony in a few days, but she had been texting him to make sure he was alright.

Layla: 'Sure, why not. I don't know where he lives though.'

Echo: 'Oh right. Let me send that to you really quick. Meet you guys there.'

Within seconds of that last text, Echo sent Layla Tony's address. Layla didn't feel right showing up to Tony's house unannounced, but whatever. He'd get over it.

Layla finished her breakfast, got dressed in some warm clothes. She was wearing thicker blue jeans instead of her usual black skinny jeans. Plus, she was wearing a long sleeve black shirt underneath her signature red leather jacket.

Layla debated on taking her hair out of its ponytail, but then decided against it when she realized that the crew hadn't seen it down before. Well, other than Tony.

Layla got in her car and took off towards the direction of Simi Valley, a town on the outskirts of L.A. Why Tony lived there, Layla didn't know the answer and didn't want to question it. While driving there, Layla started thinking about the time Tony saw her hair down.

It was an accident. Layla and Tony were running from some bad guys when her hairband snapped. Tony and Layla got away, but when they finally stopped, Tony couldn't take his eyes off her. She didn't know the exact reason, but she knew it had something to do with her hair.

Layla remembered him getting flustered when he gave her a hairband from his pocket. One that was his sister's that he had for some reason. After that mission, Tony had gone up to her and whispered something that only she heard. 'Your hair is pretty when it's down.'

Tony's words kept Layla awake that entire night. Her heart wouldn't stop beating rapidly and she didn't know why. She had never felt like that before. Layla had pushed the feeling off, not wanting to think about how Tony made her feel.

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