Being a nobody

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The fake barbie bitches ^^^^ (Sorry I had to use mean girls but I couldn't find any actual fake looking girls)

Waking up late for my first day at Westside High is not a good sign. I literally fall off my bed whilst sprinting to the bathroom jumping into the shower. I really hope that my first day goes well. I get out of the shower and rough dry myhair and put it into a messy bun. It is not as hot today so I'm not going to wear my shorts. I finally decide on light wash skinny jeans and a hollister hoodie and a pair of Toms.

After a few minutes of putting some mascara on and lip gloss, I dont wear a lot of makeup, I race downstairs grab a go ahead bar, yell goodbye to my mum who is starting her new job as the co manager of some offices today and then I get in my car and drive to school.

When I arrive it is nothing like Greendale high. It is so busy! As soon as I even step out of the car there are these fake barbie bitches glaring daggers at me. If looks could kill I would be dead 4 times over now. I decide to keep my mouth shut and ignore them. Walking straight past them I knock one of the fakes over in her ridiculously high heels. She screeches like a hyena.

"Whoopsie" I say giggling inwardly.
I go and collect my time table and locker number and there sits a little old lady who looks very kind.

"Hello I'm new here can I please have my locker number and time table please" I say offering her a wide smile.

She grunts. How rude?! And there's me thinking that she looked innocent. Come to think of it now she looks like the lady slug with glasses from monsters inc/university.

"There you go off you go now"

I glare at her and walk off.As I try and get through the crowds of people, trying to find my locker, everyone acts like you are not there. I get pushed forwards and back and when I finally get o my locker guess what I found? A lovely present for me...NOT! A boy, quite fit may I say,

Wait what? Shut up brain, and one of them fake bimbos from earlier backed up against my locker, yes my locker guys believe it or not, snogging there flipping faces off!
"What the actual hell?!" I yell and everyone shuts up and stares at me.
Fake bitch Tiffany I thought I heard her name was if I heard correct was glaring daggers at me...again. They break apart and the boy smirks.

"Ty nice to meet you..." The boy - well Ty says extending his hand.
"Ashleigh, and Ummm I definitely do not want to shake your hand after touching that fake barbies probably fake butt!" I say sassily back earning laughs from everyone.
Tiffany was about to say something as the bell went but I just turned on my heel making my way to maths.

I arrive to my class fairly early and choose a seat in the front row and I start unpacking all my things.

"Miss Taylors please can you go to your designated seat which is next to Mr Ryder. I understand you are new so you didn't know" Mr Clarke says stretching a grin and I give him a fake one back.

I inwardly groan and plod over next to Ty. As Mr Clarke starts the maths lesson about equations I listen intently but I am interrupted by someone jabbing me with a pencil. I shoot my head around and see his smug little grin.

"What?" I whisper shouted at him causing him to smirk.

"I think you could use a bit of Ty Ryder pie - if u get what I am saying" he sniggers.

"No thank you I'm not one of them girls who throw themselves at you wanting to get in your boxers" I sneer feeling quite pleased with myself. I turn back to what sir was saying.

5 minutes later
I feel someone prodding me AGAIN! No prizes for guessing who eh? That's right TY!! I swear that boy is going to be the death of me. I shoot a death stare at him narrowing my eyes. He bursts out laughing and everyone looks at us.

"Mr Ryder why are disrupting my lesson?" Mr Clarke says

"Sorry sir, Ashleigh made me laugh." Ty says.

I turn red as a tomato.

After maths, which seemed like it was going on for an eternity, I walk out of the classroom and bump into two girls, one I recognise from maths, screaming at eachother.

Mr Clarke gives him a warning and carries on with his lesson.

After my first lesson, a very long one may I add, it was first break. I bump into two girls screaming at eachother, well one screaming, one cowering in the corner. The one shouting I recognise from my maths class, one of Tiffany's gang and an innocent looking girl with mousy brown hair and the most amazing blue eyes.

"You do NOT even speak to Ty he is mine and doesn't want to come face to face with a geek with no friends" One of Tiffany's gang says sneering.

"S..o..r..r..y I didn't mean to I was just being friendly" The other girl says. Tiffany's plastic barbie scoffs pushing her against a locker and sauntering off adding a sway in her step because she knows Ty is watching. Euurrgh girls like her disgust me.

I walk over to the girl sitting on the floor in pain and help her up.
"Are you okay? She is so mean!! What is your name?" I say in a rush.

"I'm fine I think, no meaner than usual to me and I'm Amy" Amy says extending her hand.

"Ashleigh" I say accepting her hand and offering her a smile which she returns weakly.
Amy and I sit together at break and figure out we have the rest of our lessons the same today.

After the last lesson of the day at 3:20pm I get a text from Ryan.

Hey Ash we all miss you!! How was your first day? 😘 - Ryan

It was good thanks Rylan I miss you all too 😍😘 - Ashleigh

What did I say about calling me that?! 😡 - Ryan

Hehe I will keep saying it more times when u get mad gtg now bye 😂 - Ashleigh

Bye boo 😪 - Ryan

I promise that this awful book will get better soon. This one is short again because of I'm building up the pages slowly as it gets better. Please pretty pretty please carry on reading and sharing my story. 😇

Loving the badboy with scarsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz