In your face!!!

69 5 6

Ty goes up to answer it and Toni and Mick shake their heads at him. He obviously does this regularly. No manners boys don't - well most of them anyway.

I hear the door open up and some loud noise erupting.

By the sound of it was probably his mates. Oh no...

Well basically because you don't know them, they are a group who stick around each other no matter where they go.

There is Jake - the biggest flirt, player and badass of the group
There is Chris - the arrogant, jerk of the group
There is Mitchell - the big softy of the group
There is Tom - the school prankster of the group
And then there is him...
Ty - the other player and badass of the group but not as bad.

They all come in the kitchen laughing and joking around.

"Heyyyy Mr and Mrs R" Jake says hugging Toni.
"Hey boys!! Are you stopping for some dinner?! I've made more then enough!" Toni replies softly.
Obviously these boys are like part of the family to them. Noooo!!
This is going to be the longest couple of months of my life!!

"Oi you are from biology aren't ya?" Chris says cockily smirking.
"And what if I am??" I question raising an eyebrow.
He just smirks.


No actually it's not boys it's just him. Let me rephrase that.


When I finally get a chance to eat we have spaghetti bolognese and let me tell you now that woman knows how to cook!!

"Mmmmm" I moan taking in the deliciousness.

Ty smirks and leans over towards my ear making me shiver.

"I'll have you moaning loader than that babe" he says cockily.
I glare daggers at him. Unfortunately for him his mum heard him and let me tell you now that was hilarious!

"I beg your pardon Ty?!!? You do not say such rude things in this household!!" She hisses. I almost choke on my spaghetti through laughter. I swear the spaghetti came back out my nose I was laughing that hard.

Ty shifts uncomfortably in his chair probably embarrassed because his mum showed him up in front of his mates. Ha lol!

Dinner carries on as normal. Well as normal as it can't get when you have an 8 year old boy staring at you meanly, boys who are asking all sorts of questions to me and everyone yelling. The it was a very normal dinner. He he.

After dinner I excuse myself from the table and walk up the stairs ready to get into my onesie when a UAP (un identified annoying person) slaps my bum. Yes! Slaps my bum! How very rude. I've been here what 3 hours? And I'm getting hit on my one of the boys. Well they are joking around but still I'm furious. I turn around as fast as lightning and slap the person round the face. I face the UAP. I know I'm very strange. And guess who it is.
Ding ding ding we have a winner
You have guessed right Ty Ryder. He is going to be the death of me.

"Aaahhhh what was that for?" He yells on pain.
"You know what it was for" I smirk turning around and heading towards my room. He grabs my writs and pulls me back.
"Can I help you?" I ask for the second time today.
"The me and the boys were wondering if you wanna play the x box with us?" He asks smirking.
"He'll yeh dude I'll be back in a second and for the record it is 'the boys and I'" I say smirking at him this time.

10 minutes later I come back with my oversized furry onesie on and land of the sofa In between Mitchell and Ty.

"Are you ready to get whoop assed?" I question pretending to open a can of whoop of ass and drinking it.

"Who do you think you are? We are the all time champions on cod and no one we know has beaten us." Chris says boasting.

"Well this time you are going down town" I fire back.

They just scoff and hand me a controller. I inwardly laugh to myself. They have no idea that I have all the CODs and every other action game. They are going down. Mwahahahahahahahaha.

I first kill Chris by sneaking up behind a crate. He deserved that - cocky bugger!!

Then I kill Tom from jumping on him and firing. And I thought he was the prankster. Obviously I am now!!

Killing Jake was easy as he was running through an alley when I saw him.

3 down 2 more to go. I have to admit they are goodish.

I feel really bad because Mitchell is so kind but guess what I kill him. But I feel really bad so I apologise.

The trickiest of all was Ty. He had like everyp hiding place mapped out but when he was running over some barrel I quickly shot him.

"Booyah!!!!" I shout in all my victory doing a little dance and sticking my tongue out. All the boys just had their mouths agape.

"In... Your... Cocky... Smirking... Open... Mouthed... Faces!!!!" I yell poking all of the in the chest.

"What? How? When?" Ty stutters. I close all 5 mouths and saunter upstairs adding an extra sway to my step in my victory!

Hi guys this story is starting to pick up. Whoop whoop! I do not play COD as you probably can tell by how I explain it when they are playing it. Please do all the votey stuff . 😘 please share with friends.

Loving the badboy with scarsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz