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Ashleigh's POV
Coach tells us all to get a rounders bat and try to hit the ball with it whilst the other partner bowls the ball for you.

Ty is being a right dim wit and not bowling properly so i can not hit it well. And the worst thing is that coach is still watching me with her freaky fish eyes.

Then it's my turn to bowl to Ty, well that does not go very well either. I do a perfect bowl and he thinks it is funny to hit the ball 50 meters away. So then I have to run all the way there bowl the ball then he will do it again.

That boy is testing my nerves, seriously!

Ty's POV
This is hilarious! I love winding Ashleigh up its so funny seeing her screwed up face bursting with anger.

"What are you laughing at?!" She yells.

Well Ashleigh...

"You see it's quite amusing winding you up" I say back.

She rolls her eyes giving me the 'meanest glare ever' which really she looks like a mole. I copy her actions knowing that it will annoy her even more.

"URRGGGHH" Ashleigh yells and storms off as the bell rings signalling end of class.

I just stand there chuckling to myself.

She can be quite cute at times I suppose...


Ashleigh's POV
I walk in to the changing rooms with Lilly blabbering on talking about how sweet and charming Mitchell is. Yes yes I agree but I wish I could say the same about my partner who is now larking around with Jake.

We get changed and walk out of the changing rooms and say our goodbyes as I promised to go and meet up with someone (Amy)

Poor Amy looks exhausted from all that science. Who wouldn't be?

Immediately that frown turns upside down when she sees me and grabs me into a hug.

"Hey girl that was 100 minutes of torture" Amy yells.

"And mine wasn't? I got partnered up with stupid arrogant jerk face farty cow Ty" I yell equally as loud.

Amy laughs but all of a sudden she goes quiet. I give her a questioning look.

"Well I'm glad you think so highly of me Ashleigh" a voice who I recognise as Ty's says.

Oopsie dasie!

"Haha well after making me run a total of probably 400 meters I'm sure anyone would be pretty peed." I say nochantly.

He nods his head smirking.

"Well i best be off see ya tonight babe" Ty says winking. Then he walks off

Amy's eyes have gone scarily big!

"You what?! Are you going out with him? You are aren't you?" She says excitedly.

"Nonononononono not at all! I have to stay at his house for a few months because my mum has gone away with work and his mum is my mums friend!" I say back defensively.

I can see Amy's expression change quickly. From happy to sad.

"Ahhhh no fair! Anyway come and meet my friends." Amy says happy again.

We walk over to a group of girls sitting around a canteen table.

Amy introduces me to them as Cassidy, Lilly, maya, Chloe and Marley.

"Hey guys and hey Lilly nice to see you again." I reply

I hear hellos back and I sit down next to Lilly.

"Oh hey Ashleigh I never knew you know Amy" Lilly says back.

"Right I'm going to get food" I say standing up waiting for Chloe and Marley to join me as they said they are coming with.

We small talk until we get in line.

I look through the selections : Meatballs and spaghetti
Chicken wrap
Fries and fish or sausage
Or choices of cold sandwiches and pizzas

I choose sausage and fries, a slushy and a muffin. I pay and go back to my table. But before I do that someone, meaning Ty, scares me and my food nearly ends up on the floor. All his friends are laughing - even Mitchell!

I glare my best glare and walk off to my table.

Before the bell goes we were all chatting and I think I have found myself some new FRIENDS!!!!!

Whoop whoop go ash! Jks! Jks!

I head off to history with Chloe and Maya and sit down right at the back where my designated seat was.

A few minutes later a cute looking boy comes over and sits down. I'm guessing by the piece of paper showing where to sit his name it's Josh.

"Hey.... Ashleigh! Are you new?" josh says reading my piece of paper.

"Hey josh! Yes I am new are you or have you been here forever" I ask

"Forever" he says back grinning.

Thank god it's not a stupid smirk I Say to myself.

"Haha I only do that when something is worth smirking about." He says smirking.

Wait what I just said that out loud?!

"Yes, yes you did indeed" he says.

"I'm so stupid" I say smacking my head.

Josh laughs.



The bell for home has finally gone. Yippee.

I walk out of class with josh and say bye to him and go and find Ty.

I walk over to him. He's looking a bit steamy.

And not in a good way.

Fists clenched and all!

"Don't speak to josh he is a JERK" Ty yells as soon as I get in the car...

Loving the badboy with scarsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz