Gossip urgh

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Ashleigh POV

Everyone is staring at us! Oh god, I hope it's not going to be like this all day. I don't think I will be able to take with my low confidence issues anyway.

Geez guys we are only getting out of the car together - no need for a big commotion I thought. All of the fake barbie bitches are giving me the evils - probably wishing it was them getting out of the car and not me. Well snooze ya loose biatches.

I can hear faint murmurs of "God she's such a ....." Or "I bet she begged him for s£x have you seen that face"

And let me tell you there were worker ones than that! And it was all from the barbies. And a few others were just giving me the evil eye.

And then there is Ty, enjoying all the attention. Waving and winking at the girls making them swoon and giving bro hand shakes to the guys. Typical player badass jerk.

But a hot player badass jerk. Wait what?! Shut up mind!

Ty waves when he gets to his gang of dick faces from yesterday and I carry on walking down the hall.

Hold it together Ashleigh, don't cry, stop being a baby. I am not used to everyone bad mouthing me like that. I feel the tears pricking in my eyes and I have to run to the toilets quick. By that time the tears are freely flowing down my cheeks and into my mouth - tasting the salty taste which by the way is disgusting.

Some barbies are in there re applying their make up to look good for the boys. Ugh they just make them selves look even uglier.

I run into a cubicle and slam the door falling to my knees crying.

I hear a knocking on the cubicle door and a timid voice let out.

"Ashleigh it's Amy I don't believe any of those stupid rumours the girls are just jealous that you get to arrive up with him and they don't. Please don't cry." Amy pleads.

If any of you forgot Amy is my only friend if I can call her a friend - I have only been there a day.

I open the locker slowly and as soon as Amy sees me she gulps me up into a big hug.

Taken back by this action I gingerly wrap my arms around her.

"There, there Ashleigh it's ok" Amy says.

"Thanks Amy. I wish everyone could be as nice as you." I say back meaning every word I said.

"Thanks, now let's get you cleaned up." She cheerfully says opening up a vanity case full of make up.

She sees my shocked expression and laughs.

In a few minutes time I'm as good as new. As if the bell was waiting until we had finished it rings signalling us off to class. I pull Amy into a hug decide where to meet at break and set off to geography as she has science.

That goes really quickly as I don't really mind the subject.

Next I have pe

I don't really have any idea where I am going until I bump into a kind looking girl.mi apologise and decide to ask where the pe block is.

"Sorry, but do you know where the pe block is with Miss hunter?" I ask.

She immediately smiles and answers back with...

"Yes of course! I am going there now I'll show you where to go. I am Lilly" the girl, well Lilly answers.

"Thank you so much! I'm Ashleigh" I say back grinning.

And with that we head off to pe.


"TOUGHEN UP GIRL! CATCH THAT FLIPPING BALL!!" Coach Hunter screams in my face as I can't catch her powerful throw for the 12th time already when playing rounders.

She or should I say 'he' as she looks like and talks like a man that looks like a pitbull is scaring me half to death. My knees are quivering and Lilly is trying to help me out of this situation by faking getting hurt but coach is having none of it. I think coach has finally gave up on me. She walks over to the boys' coach and mutters something into his ear. And by the looks of things he is very scared too of Miss Hunter which explains his head shaking violently agreeing to something.

Then, all of a sudden all the boys come over to the girls and get paired up with a girl.
"Lilly and Mitchell, Paula" (one of the barbies) "and jake" (sounds about right for a player) and the list goes on and on until it gets to "Ashleigh and Ty"

What?! Why does my life have to be like this?! First moving to his school, then living with him, then getting rumours spread about you and now getting partnered up with him. He just brings misery.

He smirks and walks over to me.

"Hey" Ty says smirking, once again.

"Hi..." I say warily.

Loving the badboy with scarsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz