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Ty's POV
I can't believe that them two would do this to me.
It's not even like I did anything remotely wrong. I just forgot to pick up Jordan. That's all.

Ashleigh and Jordan are inseparable now. It's really bugging me.

Wait? Am I jealous? This is the second time I have felt like it in less than a week!

Do bad ass boys like me get jealous?



* 4 of hours later*

Ashleigh's POV
I'm now heading up for bed with a sleepy Jordan on my shoulder. I lay him down in his bed and run to my bedroom.

You ask why I'm running?

Well ever since we played that little prank on Ty he has been trying to attack me.

I make it back to my room safely and grab my pjs go in to the bathroom and brush my teeth and get changed. I come back out and hop into bed ready for school tomorrow.

*Nine hours later*

I wake up and feel refreshed from the day I had yesterday. Pranking ty is hilarious! I reluctantly pull the covers off of me and get to the bathroom. I then have a shower, clean my teeth and get dressed into a neon pink tassely cropped top and high waisted light wash jean shorts and some converse.

When I get downstairs I see Tony making some pancakes. Turns around and smiles "good morning sleep well?"

"Yes thanks Toni what about you?" I reply

"Yes thanks" Toni answers serving me six pancakes with maple syrup.

I smile thanking her quietly and tucking in to my gorgeous pancakes. I decided not to wait for Ty as he is always late. I open the door and close it again smiling as I see my Fiat 500 mint green sitting there showing off to all the other cars of this is better than her.

LOL I know I am weird. But this car is so cute!

Anyway it has finally been dropped from my house. I get in it and turn on the radio. YES! It is my favourite song -Want to want me by Jason Derulo.

As I turn into a parking space at school I noticed someone else behind me beeping their horn at me. I get out my car ready to give them the middle finger turned to see the most gorgeous boy in the world!

"Oi what do you think you're playing at honking your horn at me!" I yell furious at him. Even though he is pretty fit . I hate boys like him cocky and think that "his" space.

"Calm down. That is My Space so get out!" The mystery boy yells back.

"Sorry ill move if I have to do! Even though I don't normally move for  losers like you who think they own the place. I just can't be bothered with all this crap today." I sigh getting back in my car whilst watching him smirk.

"Hi oi wait!" mystery boy yells at me.

"What?!" I answer tiredly.

"Sorry we had to start a fight that - I'm mark." Mystery boy well mark now I know his name say.

I smile understanding.

"Okay it's fine - I am Ashley." I say back.

We both walk to our classes exchanging timetables and we figure out we have most classes today together except for maths. We first go to geography with Mr Papadopoulos.

Is very hard to understand mr papadopoulos -  no one really listens to anyway. Poor man!

Me and Mark both sit together at a double table which holds two seats. We get most of our work done but mostly mess around and get to know each other more.

The bell rings for first break. Me and mark both running into a tall muscular figure also known as Ty.

As soon as Ty sees Mark she and Mark both glad that the each other. If looks could kill that both be dead right now! Ha ha!

Anyway they continue have a stare down until Ty gets ready to launch on Mark. But Mark dodges him and Ty fall flat on his face. Ouch!

As soon as Ty gets up, he turns around fuming.

"What are you doing mark?" Ty fumes struggling to say mark's name in disgust.

Loving the badboy with scarsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz