Somewhere new

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Emmis PoV
I tried to pull myself up the gutter but he was to strong. I'd rather be with Gary than this monster.
"Come back emmi. I miss you"
His voice echoed in my ears. I could never go back. not now. not ever.
"I've changed for good"
his demonic voice was getting louder. I tried to shake him of but it wasn't working. his grip got tighter round my ankles.
"Come back!" He yelled.
I lost my grip and fell. landing heavily on my dad. he smiled an evil smile and chucked me in his truck. I shivered and shut my eyes tight.
After about an hour, I looked outside. we were driving up to our house. I looked around to see casey and kaylis house abandoned.
The grass was long and unhealthy. Gavin's soccer pitch was no longer useable. Not that anyone would use it. he's dead.
"He's dead" shay said "that's why I brought you here"
I ignored his comment, I knew he was dead already.
"So is your mom" he sighed
"Do you not think I don't know that" I snapped at him.
I was angry at him for brining up the topic
"That's why I brought you here"
"Oh, your going to kill me?" I sarcastically asked
"I'm going to have a funeral for them"
I sat up now, interested in what he had to say
"I want to get in contact with you siblings but I don't know where they are. I wasn't allowed to know"
"What about everyone else?"
"Casey, kayli, Logan and grandma all moved to Britain. I'll try and get in contact with them but it's unlikely"

I looked at my phone and scrolled down to my cousins name. it's been 3 years since we last spoke. when we left we spoke everyday, but then it got every week, then every fortnight, then every month, then we fell out. she gave me her American girl doll and she wanted it back but at that point I was too young to leave the orphanage.we were both young and she told me she never wanted to talk to me again.
I hovered my over the key bored, hesitant of what to type. I ended up typing this
"Hey brai. it's been a few years I know. I miss you so much, I wish you could be here. it mums and Gavin's funeral soon. I hope you can come, it would meet a lot, the only problem is that shay is here.
Avia has broken her leg and Brock doesn't like you for leaving me. and daxton, well, he doesn't remember you, he was young when we left, it's not his fault.
I miss you brai. please come to the funeral."

I then shut off my phone and went to my old room. I looked around, the wall paper was torn, the carpets were a dirty shade of yellow, both beds were un-made, the bookshelf was on the floor. it was like some where new, and I didn't like it. all of a sudden I snapped into reality. this isn't my home anymore. shay isn't my dad. he's a evil monster. I can give my mum and brother a funeral, I don't need this beast to do it for me. I tiptoed to the front door and left. anywhere but here.

Shays PoV
I looked in the mirror. I'm still weight conscious, at one point in the mental home, I became anorexic. but I had to stay strong for my kids. I loved them like crazy, even if I didn't show it. I was distraught at the time and I don't know what came over me.
I got changed into my suit and tie. I let a few tears fall down my face, it's my wife's and first sons funeral. I picked out the nicest dress for emmi, it was the same one she wore in that vlog once. light green, except it was now tailored to her size.
I looked over at the vlogging camera. maybe I should. the viewers deserve to know. shakily, I picked up the camera and turned it on. I don't really know what I was saying through the tears but it's a vlog. it's what they want.
I did a one take and uploaded it straight away. it wasn't long before the hateful comments started
"Ew, he was so fat now he's like a twig, it's not even cute"
"Like dis if u h8 shay"
"I would've killed my self too if I was mommy tard"
"Shayturds 😂😂😂😂"

You get the point. I went to my babies room to give her a dress. I hope she likes it.
I walked right in without knocking, where was she?
I looked some more for a clue or hint or something but was unlucky.
I sat down on her bed and placed my head in my hands.
What did I do wrong?
I searched the rest of the house but she was no where to be seen. I was about to walk out of the kitchen when I saw a note. Nervously, I walked over, scared of what it might say.
"You monster I hate you"
It was Emmis writing for sure. maybe I was a monster? Maybe I should die?
Maybe? The thoughts kept running through my head. what if? Should I? I couldn't? I can?
I trudged upstairs to run my self a bath and think about life. or death.
I submerged my body into the warm, soapy water and shut my eyes. I strayed to sing a song in my head. It was one me, Colette and the kids sing together at Christmas. it brung back a lot of memories. I smiled to myself and tapped to the beat.

I'm thinking only a few more chapters. like 3 more? Idk, I'm not updating regularly and not many people comment or vote. idk

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