Last chapter.....

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I had to get out of this room, I couldn't stand being near tyler, I would never cheat. my eyes started to water, and fall down my face. I ran to the bathroom, missing a few steps on my way up. I ran in and locked the door, I couldn't believe this. what did I do to deserve this? My phone buzzed, the text read
"Avia, it's clara, the orphanage set on fire and your brothers were trapped in there, we will rehome everyone however your brothers have passed"

My brothers dead. just like my mom and Gavin. I stood up and looked around,eventually I found what I was looking for. I did what I needed, but then more. the bangs and shouting at the door. people out there cared for me, I walked to unlock the door but I collapsed. I fell to the floor and gave up. maybe this was fate. maybe I'm meant to be with my dead family. im not loved. im not cared for. I have no one left. I have no one. I have no friends. I'm a nobody. I should die.
Thoughts kept replaying in my head. comments from the vlogs, hate from people at school, when dad and I would fight. memories were coming back, bad ones. emmi turning back, mom and Gavin dieing, dad kicking us out, Daxton at the bottom of the stairs. all those times in hospital. My life was shit, no one would miss me. I heard a bang and crying, and soon saw a white light. this was death.

I was on my bed, surrounded by magazines when I heard a knock on the door, I ran down as I knew dad was in the garden and wouldn't hear it. there stood gary, his red eyes and sinister smile, my dads body behind him. dead, my dad is dead. I cried and screamed. I had to get to my sister. being young and fast, I ran past Gary and got to the alleyways before he even started his car. before I knew it, I was at the orphanage. or where it used to be. The place was just ash now. I looked around for someone, anyone.
I saw 2 gravestones in the garden which weren't there before and walked over to read them
"Daxton butler
Died age 5 in a house fire"
"Brock butler
Died age 10 in a house fire"
I kneeled on the floor and started to cry. I needed my sister.
I was crying and waiting for her to come. I knew she would be here. my phone was back at my dads but my heart was still here. I soon saw 3 figures walking towards me. all sad but shocked when they saw the burnt building. the only girl ran to me crying.
"A...a...avia" she cried "we tried but we couldn't save her"
"What do you mean?" I nervously questioned
"She's dead" the girl shouted, breaking down in tears "DEAD" she paused for a moment and wiped her tears and hugged me. my sister. dead. the last person who cared for me. I ran. I ran past gary, I ran past the crowded streets but I didn't stop I carried on until I found a bridge. I climbed up on it, holding on to the poles.
My sister. The last remaining person in my family. Gone. Dead. I had nothing to live for no more, I was a depressed cunt who had no family, no friends, nothing. I looked up to the sky from the bridge I was standing on. Dark clouds piled over the sun, I looked down at the fast running river below me. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath and fell, before soon taking my last .....

{casey }
I put on my suit and walked to my brother and family's funeral. it was such a sweet family 6 years ago, before Colette and Gavin passed. now there is none left. I looked over at Logan and his wife who had tears spilling out of their eyes and then down at my daughter who was the same, I hugged her tight and promised to never let her go. all 7 coffins were brought out even though 3 were empty as the accident was to long ago and emmi was never found. after the procession, I brought all my family into a group hug and we swore to stick together, whatever it took, whatever happened. winston didn't understand, nor did his younger brother James who was left on our doorstep in the UK.

Gage and I walked in and took our seats at the front of the church. the church where all the kids got baptised and where shay and Colette became one. the church where the butler family began. and now ended. I had to get out of here. this was to sad, I hadn't seen my cousins for years and now I will never see them again. not until I die and join them in heaven. our dad made us promise to stay together and never leave anyone behind. that was different for me, I was almost 18 and will soon have a house with my boyfriend, we will move to America and my family will forget about me, just like they did with Justin, he moved to Australia and he was adopted but mom and dad never talk about him, they forgot about him like they will forget about me. I walked out side and looked into the busy road it could all end here.
"Brai, I love you, you don't have to do this" I turned round to see cooper smiling at me, I ran up to him and hugged him
"Do you remember Justin?" I asked
"Yeah, our older brother, I hope we see him before he dies aswell"
"Yeah me to. you won't forget me when I move to Australia will you?"
"Of course not, you're my sister and I love you! Just like I love all my family"
I smiled and stood up. I looked up at the sky and knew that my cousins are up there smiling down at me.

Sorry it ended! The updates were just getting slower and slower and I had a good idea it's not really long but it's long enough. I might write another book because I loved writing this so much! Vote, share, follow, comment so I know that you have read it all and weather you liked it or not. 😊💕
For the last time, goodbyeeererreerrrrreeeeee

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