Chapter 28ish

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I was sat in my bed and soon got a text from Julie
" hey bae, I forgave your bf, come over tomorrow with Livvi, Tyler and Max?
I had nothing to do so I replied with a simple
"B there at 2"

After that, I sat on my bed and binged watched Netflix. I started thinking about my sister. I had to help but I couldn't with my crutches so I just had to pray for her.

It was pitch black and all I had was a flashlight to guide my way. I checked my phone
"28th March 2015
I sighed at the time and looked around for a place to sleep. maybe I should go back. wait. I cant. He's a monster, that place is a no go. I took a sip of my energy drink and carried on going. I could soon see the lights of the city. I smiled in relief and strode on.
I soon ran out of drink and got very tired, I found a tree to hide under and slowly fell asleep.
I woke up to harsh movement. Someone was shaking me. shaking me hard.
I opened my eyes to a familiar face. Avia? It can't be. I stood up to hug my sister and she hugged back. We hugged for what seemed like forever but in reality was probably only a few seconds.
We pulled away and I looked up at my sister.her glassy eyes and big smile stuck out like a sore thumb.
"D..d.. dad took me" I cried
"It's ok, you're safe now" she reassured, obviously scared herself
"He's having a funeral for Gav and mom..... I was thinking we should go" I said
"No" she said stubbornly, turning her back and pulling me towards the city.
I looked at the floor, thinking of my mom and brother made me upset, as it would anyone.

Tyler and I had agreed to go out tonight. we are sleeping round Julie's on the 29th march. that means it will be April fools the next day, we needed a plan, Tyler said he would go to target and I'll go to some other shops, we'll meet at 12 by our tree.
I waved bye to my boyfriend as we went our separate ways. but with the dark and the wind, I soon got lost and my ankle started to hurt so I decided to sit down against a tree. I rested until I heard a petite snore on the other side of the tree, it startled me at first but I strangely recognised it. I leaned over to see a small sleeping body, I got a closer look to see my sister. I shook her vigorously until she woke and said my name. I started crying happy tears and hugged her, but was soon shocked to her what she said .

After picking up silly string, salt, toilet paper, plastic cups e.t.c I wandered around to meet avia by the tree when I saw her hugging someone else. I knew it was her because of the ponytail, crutches and height. I was angry that she could cheat on me but then happy that I wouldn't have to break up with her first, for I have a secret, one that no one knows. I ran off home to my bed before my family realised I was gone. I felt weird. telling people my secret will be weirder. I've know for a long time and this weekend will be time to let everyone else know.
I tucked my self up in bed-preparing a speech.

My sister and I walked home, at first in silence but then we talked about what happened. she told me I should go to the police but my dad only wanted to do something nice. maybe I should go back, he didn't hurt me and he saved me from Gary.
I pulled away from my sister and started walking back
"Where are you going?" She asked
"Home to a monster who kicked us out and abused our brothers?"
"That was the past avia, he's changed, you didn't see him"
"Whatever but next time I'm not going to try and save your sorry ass"
I strode of, using my flashlight to guide the way. eventually I came to my old home. I creeped in to see my crying dad surrounded by pictures of us as kids and watching old vlogs.
"Emmi! I thought you weren't going to come back!"
We hugged, rehab did good, there was no alcohol in the whole house.
I loved my dad, even if I don't always show it. I just wish everyone else would see past the old dad and see the new one.

I packed my bags and walked to Julie's I wasn't meant to be there till the afternoon but I could not stand the orphanage any more.
I knocked in Julie's door and walked right in without saying anything, I walked upstairs, put my bag on the floor then started crying. I told Julie everything, from leaving to go to the shops to Emmi turning back. she comforted me, telling me we could save her, change her mind, she will come back.
After a few hours, max, Tyler and livvi showed up. we played a bored game to begin with, livvi won. then we played blind-mans-bluff and max cut his foot and got blood everywhere. we soon went to Maccas and got some food, coming home, we started to play truth or dare. my dare was to go into mc Donald's and say I've got no chips, even though I didn't order any. I walked up to the counter and
"Excuse me sir, I have no chips with my meal"
"Ok, did you order some?" He said, obviously bored
"Then why are you complaining you faggot"
"I just like to make chip buttys but my bread has a burger in between it.

It went on for a while but then we had to run as the manager was coming. eventually we got to Julie's
"Uh....guys, I have something I need to tell you" Tyler said

Now was my chance
"Imgay" I quietly said
"What? I didn't hear you" Julie shouted, making fun of the fact I was so quite
"I'm gay" I said a little louder
All my friends had confused faces, I thought I would make a joke out of this
"You know, rainbows, tight pants, man on man.?"
Nothing. but then max stood up and hugged me, I hugged him back.
"Does this mean you're breaking up with me?" Avia said in shock
"I saw you hugging someone else last night, I'm sure you kissed and held hands aswell, why should I bother with a two timing bitch?" I said, not meaning for it to come out like that
"That was her sister....." Julie explained
Avia was already gone, she must be in the bathroom or something. we all know her past, that's why we ran up there.
"Do you have any razors in there?" Max asked Julie
"Uh yeah.. And lots of pills" Julie said worriedly
"We need to get her out, this is all my fault" I said
"Dam right it is" max said, looking around for a key
We sept 5 minutes knocking on the door, there was no reply. eventually max kicked it down.
Avia was lying there with cuts all up her arm and empty pill bottles surrounding her.
"No,no,no,no,no" max said punching the wall.
I just stood there as still as a stone looking at my ex. this was all my fault...

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