J - The Leader

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This was a draft I wrote right around January, 2022, when I was still 16. I've only got the first chapter since I haven't worked on it since then, though not for lack of interest, I just haven't had time. I would like to pick it up again, since it's a story I had a LOT of plans for. For now, I just wanted to post the first chapter because... I don't know, why not? It's finished, it's ready, so why not put it out there? That, and, I haven't been able to update my main story since I've been busy, so I figured I'd post something that's already done. It'll probably be a while before I make another chapter for this story. Besides, it means I have plenty of times to make revisions to this chapter if I feel like it's necessary, and it... probably is. I'm pretty sure I wrote all of this in one sitting and never went back to make revisions to anything, or do any spelling/grammar checks. Everything past this is the original draft from last year.

Oh, and, uh, I don't own RWBY, Spider-Man, any version of Ben 10, or Generator Rex.


Well, it's finally here, one super long author's note. You can skip this if you really want to, though I'd be thankful if you didn't.

Oh man, where do I even start with this. Well, for starters, I just want to say that I first had the idea for this story two years ago. I was just gonna go for it, but I wanted to do this one right. I had to finish the story I was already working on, finish up what I was doing at school, AND make time to rewatch all the shows involved in this story to make sure I could make it as good as possible. I did not want to half-ass this.

To put it simply, I knew I didn't have much time for this. I mean shit, I'm halfway through Sophomore year. Pretty soon, I'll be a senior, and once I graduate, it's off to college, so I'll have even less time to write. I want to do this as soon as possible, before I reach a stage in my life where I'll only be able to update every 3 months.

And so, here we are. Together at last for one big project, something years in the making. I can't begin to describe how excited I am for this.

But wait, I want to say one important thing:

Bear in mind that this story will not perfectly follow canon. I love going "off-road" so to speak and exploring all the details that I think could potentially be interesting. I won't be completely rewriting the story or anything, just don't be surprised if things are different.

You already know what's going down based on the title of this chapter, so let's get right to it.




Jaune Arc considered himself a man of humble dreams. Go to a Huntsman academy, fight some Grimm, save a lot of people, and maybe get a girlfriend along the way. Obviously, fighting monsters wasn't for everybody, But Jaune didn't really see a problem with it.

Okay, sure, he had never actually seen a Grimm in person before, but what did that matter? He had seen plenty of pictures and videos and they didn't look all that scary. All the Huntsman he saw were able to take them down super easily, even when there was a big group against one guy.

Of course, one couldn't simply show up to a combat school.


Currently, Jaune was in the middle of one of his usual "training sessions," that being him swinging whatever tree branch most closely resembled a sword at a tree trunk until the branch broke. It made him feel a bit too much like a little kid playing around, but it was really the best he could do.

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