A Beautiful Day of Sadness

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I'm on the grind now. I've finally gotten over the annual sore throat, so I'm on top of my game. Maybe next year, I won't have to deal with it at all. ... Actually, nah, what am I talking about? The yearly sore throat is iconic. Winter wouldn't be complete without it. Leaving that aside, this is sort of the second half of the last chapter.

Not gonna lie, this chapter's kind of all over the place. Splitting it up across multiple chapters would put a lot of unnecessary delay on the story, but putting it all together makes for kind of an awkward read, so I had to choose the lesser of two evils. It's a little disjointed, but maybe that's not a bad thing in this case.

Our poor boys aren't feeling too great right now, so maybe they need a nice distraction. Or two. Or however many come up. Let's see how they feel after just getting through the day.

I do not own RWBY, Spider-Man, and version of Ben 10, or Generator Rex




Sunlight filtered in through the window, staining the carpet yellow. The curtains were pulled aside, nothing to block the powerful glow except Peter's uniform hanging in the window, leaving it free to disrupt the sleep of the resting boys. Some of them groaned in annoyance, rubbing their tired eyes or flipping over to avoid the light.

"Ggh, already? It feels like we just went to sleep five minutes ago." Peter sat up in his bed, digging the rheum out of the corners of his eyes to help his body wake up. A quick look at the clock hanging above the doorway revealed it was currently seven in the morning. "Guys, wake up. We have class in fifteen minutes."

His tired voice was barely above a whisper, but it was enough to stir his resting teammates. Ben and Rex made it clear they were not happy, pointedly burrowing their faces into their pillows in a final show of disobedience before slowly lifting themselves out of bed. Jaune took a moment to yawn, then practically threw himself out of bed and dashed straight to the bathroom. The leader of the newly-formed team emerged a few seconds later with a toothbrush in his mouth.

"Alright, come on guys, up! We've got a big day ahead of us. The sooner we're up and moving, the better. Team JPTR can't be late on the first day." His voice was loud and excited, a sharp contrast to his haggard appearance. The circles under his slightly red eyes and the slur in his speech did not match his pasted-on excitement.

"You say that, but you look like you're about to pass out, dude." Ben sent his leader a pointed look as he slung his legs off his bed. He could clearly see the blonde boy swaying drunkenly from side-to-side, his own exhaustion threatening to bring him crashing to the ground even as he was brushing his teeth and pulling on the dress pants that were part of Beacon's uniform.

"Let's just get this over with. Whose idea was it to put first period before breakfast. Is that a crime? That's definitely a crime, it's gotta be." Rex complained loudly while he pulled open one of their dresser's drawers and extracted his own uniform. He didn't like the idea of ditching his signature look for school of all things, but he disliked the idea of being kicked out of class to go back to the dorm room and change even more.

The walls were relatively thin, allowing the boys to hear the loudest of their neighbors as they slowly began to pull themselves out of bed and get ready for the day ahead of them. Bits of pieces of slurred conversation, the opening and closing of dresser drawers, and childish complaints just barely filtered through the walls.

Honestly, forget class before breakfast. Who was the one that seriously thought it was a good idea to hold classes the day after a major event like Initiation was over? That was the real crime.

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