Bad First Impressions

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Alright everybody, listen up! It's time. No more backstories, no more dimension hopping, no more huge, mandatory explanations. This right here is the meat, the good stuff, the true beginning. I'll admit, there's a lot going on in this chapter, so it might feel sort of rushed in some places, but I don't think it's terrible overall.

Not a single person here wants to wait, so let's get this chapter going.

I don't own RWBY, Spider-Man, any version of Ben 10, or Generator Rex.





It was a beautiful day in the city of Vale. Not a cloud was in sight, allowing the sun to shine unreservedly upon the world, bathing its inhabitants in warm light. Humans and Faunus could be seen walking the streets, going about their business in high spirits.


... Everything was right with the world on a day such as this. Even the airport, which was normally so full one could barely take a step without hitting somebody, was now relatively empty, allowing every person on their way into the city to move about with no problems.



Yes, everything was well for every person in the city, everyone not named Jaune Arc.

"Right. Motion sickness. Forgot about that." The blonde shakily wiped his mouth. He had spent the better part of the last five minutes vomiting into a nearby trash can. Luckily, he had done a good job holding it in until his Bullhead landed, though a mad dash was necessary the moment he stepped off. It was definitely not how he wanted to start his journey to Beacon. Sadly, his oldest enemy still had power over him, a fact that was unlikely to change anytime soon.

Grabbing his suitcase, Jaune left the airport and stepped out into the streets of Vale. It was his first time ever being here, so there wasn't a single thing that looked familiar. The stores, the people, the location, all of it was foreign to him. It was enough to make him sweat a little.

"Okay, what's first? Uh, the term doesn't start for another two weeks, so I need a place to stay. A cheap motel's probably the best option. After that, I can work on Beacon."

With his next move decided, Jaune set off in search of the cheapest place he could find. It was a good thing there were apps for this kind of thing, so he didn't have to spend an entire day looking for a decent place. Skimming through all the options, Jaune passed on the absolute cheapest places that looked like they were crawling with rats and cockroaches, eventually settling on a slightly run-down motel that only charged 30 Lien a night for a single person. For such an unbelievably low price, it was clearly the best option available, and so Jaune hailed a taxi and rode straight to the outskirts of the industrial district.

Apparently, the motel in question was located in a sort of shantytown. Most of the buildings in the area looked like they had been constructed of spare sheet metal and moldy wood, though there were a handful of buildings that actually looked like they were made by a professional construction crew, even if they had obviously seen better days.

The next thing Jaune noticed was that everybody here was a Faunus. Some had wings, some had tails, some had extra ears atop their heads, but every single person in sight was unquestionably not human. He couldn't help but worry that he was intruding on some kind of Faunus-only district. Nobody had come to angrily remove him yet, so it seemed that wasn't the case.

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