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The bus was very animated. It was a relieving time for everyone, even the most serious players who spent all their free time training allowed themself a little break.

Chigiri spent his time looking at the view from the window next to him. He obviously said yes when bachira offered him to sit on it's side. It has been nothing but a blessing since he didn't really feel talkative today. Plus, the flowery fields were kinda beautiful to look at. It was such a sweat memory to chigiri, who used to play in such places with his older sister when they were younger. This thought made him think he should probably send her a message when he gets to the island. She always looked forward to any sign of life and wellness of him. His mother too. In fact the two women of the Chigiri household kinda shared the same braincell. And it was a wonderfull braincell, chigiri thought. His dad,on the other hand, didn't care much. He wasn't mean, really not, just a bit harsh and cold hearted. But everyone in the house got used to their big grumpy teddy bear, so nobody really minded it.

"Hmm princesss !"

Chigiri snapped out of his thoughts and turned his head to face a cheeky bachira holding a bag of sweats.
He smiled at his friend who weirdly still managed to keep a "cute" look.

"Do you want some ??" Bachira asked.

"Where did you even get that ?" Chigiri laughed. His question was actually suspicious. He loved candies, but he wouldn't accept them from everyone.

"My mom sent them to me !" Bachira looked genuinly happy sharing that information witch made chigiri smile more.

"Alright then.. what would you offer me ?" He sais jokingly but bachira took it seriously. 

"Take this ! And this.. and also this" he said, taking out little packages of japanese snacks.
"This one is strawberry flavoured! Its my fav! Look its the same color as your hair" bachira said excited as he handed the candy to chigiri.

Too much sugar. The red head thought but still accepted everything to make his friend happy, and also because he actually really loved sweats.

"Yeah it does match my hair tho..." chigiri giggled. "Look this blueberry lollipop is giving yoichi.."

Bachira smiled, the type of smile you make when you get an idea, he then picked up the lollipop, opened it and slipped it in isagi's mouth. He almost suffocated but kunigami saved him with a back kick.

"Bachira im going to.." isagi started but he didn't get to finish his sentence.

"It looks like you" Bachira cut him off, smiling like a kid. "The lollipop" he explained since isagi looked confused.

"Oh" he looked at the sweat and his gaze softened. He is so obvious. Both kunigami and chigiri thought. "Give me the bag then, ill find yours too!"

Bachira smiled, amused as he handed him the candy bag.

"Oiii princess.. give me a candy too" a calm voice called from the front seat.

Chigiri didn't need to seek to know who was asking.

"Come take it, i won't move"

"Naah lazy.... just throw it"

Nagi was sitting on the first seat and chigiri on the third one. Obviously he could have thrown it, but he wanted to make a scene. It was 50% of pure evilness, but also 50% of trying to create a move for his two friends because they were clearly a case of despair.

"Hmm..." the red haired mumbled, a satisfied smile taking place on his face even before he said anything. "Reo! Can you pass it to nagi ? Please treasure" he said in such a teasing way, taking pleasure to every word coming out of his mouth. He knew reo was later going to make a fuss of his revenge, but who even cared. Im a man of risks.

"Hyoma, im going to fucking kill you" reo whispered, smiling like the maniac he clearly was. He still took the little purple package, a grape candy, done on purpose by the master of teasing. He looked at it a little more, turned it around and read the ingredients because he knew his dear traitor will certainely not do it. Alright no brown sugar. He is allergic to brown sugar. That thought was what motivated reo to read the ingredients at the first place. Realisation hit him as he finished his action. Why the hell was he checking that ? And why did he even care ? Nagi and his selfish ass can choke on that damn candy.

"Give it to him. Zantetsu." Reo said, throwing him the purple package.

"Does it yourself, richy" he threw it back.

"We say do it yourself you stupid ass"

"Yeah well that !" Zantetsu said, placing back his glasses.

"Just give it to me, reo" nagi said in a calm tone. A roblox dying sound proved that he was in fact not calm anymore.

Reo made a pout, puffing his cheeks. He then handed the small candy through the space between the two seats. He really hated himself for being that dramatic about whatever relationship they had. He was litteraly behaving like a kid when it was usually nagi's part to be childish.

"Finally...thank you" nagi sighted.

Chigiri, you're like sooo done. Reo thought to himself.

"No one's gonna save you princess, the hero's gone" he said, an evil smile on his face. Of course that was nothing compared to what was waiting for the read head.

Kunigami didn't react, obviously.
He would have blank stared the purple if he was in front of him but he wasn't, and kunigami wasn't that affected to verbally react neither. Chigiri didn't really expect him to do but it still hurted, it's like he didn't even care anymore. He then found himself smiling brightly like a creep. It was actually very funny because wasn't he in blue lock to chase his career ?? Why the hell was he atfer that stupid fallen hero.

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