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The tiring day at the amusement parc ended with all of them walking back to the hotel as it wasn't that far away for them to take a vehicle. The walk back was animated, of course it would be, they were a bunch of teenage boys after all so it was only fair if their every shared moment was chaotic.

But in the middle of that chao, a certain someone was a bit more quiet than he normally would. Looking at the sea, isagi was for the first time thinking about his personal life rather than his professional one. Because he already got that second part all figured out, he was going to become the best striker in the world and he was already working on it, so that was settled. But his personnal sentimental life was another thing, a subject he never really thought nor cared about before. He had had some girlfriends in the past, had crushes and views, and that was it. Love wasn't something complicated and he was convinced that just living that way was great. That of course until a certain bicolor bob changed that way of thinking by simply entering his life.

To truly talk, isagi never even thought about the possibility that he might like boys too, because first he dedicated himself to soccer and didn't really think about anything else, and second, no boy has ever made him doupt his sexuality. And after joining Blue Lock, he got too occupied analysing the field that he never even took the time to analyse his questionable feelings towards his bestfriend. But lately, since they got two weeks of vacation and no football to focus on, he started thinking about him a little more, and the intrusive feelings started seeming a bit more real.

Meguru Bachira was the best person he has met in a while, or maybe just the best person he has ever met. He was special, so unique in his genre it sometimes became weird. It bothered isagi at first, all these Monster stories and all, to say the least, isagi didn't match his freak. But with time, he accepted it. Because he understood that it was just the surface and it had nothing to do with his wholesome person, he was not a Monster, or then he was a really cute and bubbly one. They got along really well, but it was just an innocent friendship at first and isagi couldn't tell the exact moment he started imagining how good his soccer teammate's lips would feel against his. Bachira was his favorite person, he was fun to be around, he kept it real and he always had your back no matter what, and aside of that, he was a perfect soccer match, an admirable player and the feeling of being on the field with him was unmatched, and he knew that it was reciprocal, because bachira also told him "his Monster" approved of him which was apparently a good thing. But all of that could be platonic, right ? Besides the fact they kissed twice, of course, but isagi convinced himself that was just him trying to feed his curiosity. And yet, the more the time passed, the less that shitty excuse made sense because his curiosity was fed but his hunger for more was still lingering.

"Isagi ?" A sweet voice called. Hopefully, it wasn't bachira, he really didn't want to talk to him right now, not when he was so deeply rethinking their friendship.

"Hiori.." answered isagi with a little smile, happy to see his taller friend. They only met eachother during the third selection, and yet, hiori was one of the people he felt the most confortable talking to, the cyan had that peaceful effect in him.

"I thought you only overthought on the field ?" Joked his Friend.

"I thought so too.." sighted isagi, a little tired grin on his face.

"So..is something bothering you ?"

"I dont know" he lied. He didn't want to tell Hiori about it, at least not in detail. Sure, he was confortable with him and Hiori was just a nice soul, but they weren't close enough for him to share such intimate feelings, especially when he was particularly ashamed of them. "Have you ever felt confused about a friend ?"

"Confused about a friend ?" Repeated hiori. "In what way ?"

"Err.. like.." he tried, struggling to find his words. "you kinda like them but you dont know to what amount ?"

"I am confused about you right now" laughed hiori. "Is it a love-hate typa problem, or a platonic-romantic typa problem ?"

"Second one, yeah"

"Ooooh ! So you have a crush !" Smiled hiori, somehow exited.

"Shhh !" He rushed to put his hand on the other's mouth. Hopefully they were walking a bit behind everyone, so no one heard him.

"Oups !" He smiled. "Did you see her again before the vacation ?" He asked. Oh, of course he'd assume she was a girl... If only that was the case, it wouldn't be so damn confusing.

"Hum.. i Guess ?" He said, sounding more as if he was asking than approving the fact. "Fucking hell I don't know how to explain this while staying secretive, honestly"

"Well you can just say it ! it's not like I know her or anything... But its up to you" said hiori with an encouraging smile.

"A good start could be that it's not a her" mumbled isagi. He wasn't sure if telling him that was a good Idea, what if Hiori just...found it weird ? But then again chigiri and kunigami did kiss in the middle of a crowded parc and nobody seemed to care, so it was okay, wasn't it ? Honestly, he didn't know. Screw it.

"Oh !" He exclaimed. Isagi's heart stopped beating for a second, apprehending the other's reaction. "I seeee ! Someone's giving you a gay panic ?" He asked, his smile coming back. Oh so that was it ?

"You don't think it's weird ?" Isagi asked.

"You sound surprised ?" He giggled. "Im an ally, don't worry"

"Hey don't count me on the other side !" Exclaimed isagi. "Yet.."

"Yeah you're not actually confused with a friend, you're confused with yourself"

"Yeah, kinda" he sighted. "But it all started because of that friend"

"Ooooh, does he gives you butterfies ?"

"I.. guess ?"

"You love being with him ?" He asked, a smile never leaving his face.

"Yeah, but then again I love being with my friends in general..-"

"But do you ever feel like you'd wanna have intimate skinship with him ? Like kisses and stuff ?" He interrupted, catching him off guard. Isagi didn't expect him to be so ... Straight forward.

"Er..we actually kissed twice" isagi said. It sounded so worse now that it was said out loud.

"Twice ?" Hiori asked, a sweet laugh escaping his lips. "Crazy..And how did it feel ?"

"I don't know... Id need another trial to tell" he smiled, a little hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Just say you want another kiss and move on !" Chuckled hiori. "Honestly, to me, you sound fruity" he says with a smile. "As a straight man, I have never thought about kissing another man, even less trice !"

"But how do I find out for sure ?" he sighted.

"I don't know, try a Google quiz to find out your sexuality or something"

"Are you fucking kidding me.." he yelled, jokingly hitting hiori who ran away a bit to dodge it.

"Im kidding you while you're kissing other men" he joked, winking as he dodged another punch.

"How are you already joking about it ?!" He raised an eyebrow, starting to chase his friend.

"Catch me if you can gayass !" He laughed, running away as isagi followed him. He maybe didn't really help him make his mind, but at least he dragged him out of his thoughts and made him forget about it. It was truly the Hiori effect.


Dropping this as an apology for being gone for so long 🙂‍↕️ just a small cute chapter of Isagi finding out about himself, discussing his little boycrush w hiori (YASS FIRST HIORI ENTRANCE)
Anyways offering this to @em_hernando 😔 you dont have to come to my house pookie

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