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A soft music played from reo's phone, disturbing his peaceful slumber.
His eyes flickered open as he snatched the phone and brought it to his ear, his mind frantically trying to comprehend what was happening.

«Hello?» he exclaimed, his voice barely above a whisper.

There was a hushed silence on the other end of the line, and then a voice spoke. «Reo, we kissed»

That confession totally woke reo up, jolting him in a sitting position.
«you what» he whispered.

«i fucking kissed your dad» chigiri's voice sounded euphoric, sarcastic, surprised, and weirdly dreamy, reo even wondered if he wasn't fever hallucinating this phone call.

«Witch one» seemed like a logical replay for a sleepy reo.

«not the biological of course, ew»

«oh god you kissed kunigami ?» despite his brain being 50% out of functions, he still understood who chigiri was referring to.

«yeah...» he giggled.

«how. Where did yall even meet ?» reo was starting to get all his braincells together, i mean, it's my adoptive parents making up after after all !!!

«not in phone, reo. Let's meet in the cafeteria»

«we're really not sleeping tonight are we ?» he chuckles.

«it's not even night anymore»

«alright princess, ill be there..» he whispers. «Im hanging on you to show that im still mad that you woke me up»

Doing as he said, he hangs up and puts his phone back on the nightstand. He then sits up a little bit more preparing to get off the bed when a sleepy voice caught him of guard.

"Reo ?"

Reo was surprised, to say the least. He had completely forgotten that he was sharing a room with that someone, and he certainly wasn't expecting to hear his voice speaking to him after so long.
It was strange, yet he couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement at the sound of nagi's voice. He always found it comforting and soothing, and even after all the mess that happend between them, it still had the same effect on him.

Slowly, reo turned his head to face his roommate. His movement was a little bit hesitant but once done, his eyes looked straight into nagi's soul.

As fake as it sounded and seemed, reo's eyes held no hatered in them, just pain. A great amount of pain could often be misunderstood for detestation, and for nagireo's case, misunderstanding was not really lacking.

"Nagi." Reo didn't really look for a better answer. He actually had nothing else to say, cause if he opened his mouth a little bit more, only the lord knew what could come out of it.

That was actually one of the multiple reasons reo always avoided his white haired "Friend". His heart was like a full charged water can, waiting for the smallest crack to completely explode.
The explosion would automatically lead the purple to yell on rooftops that he actually wants nagi back, that he hates being appart of his treasure and that he still wants them to share the dream that first brought them together.
That would also automatically lead him to crush his gigantic ego and embarass himself like chigiri often told him not to.

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 ᵏᵘⁿⁱᵍⁱʳⁱ  Where stories live. Discover now