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"I warned you" isagi said, giggling at his friend's desappointed look. Bachira has just ordered the most questionable looking drink, his only excuse being "but the name of the drink is spinning bee ! It's made for me !".

"It tastes like excpired milk mixed with a flat-assed bee's honey" Bachira exclaimed with disgust, dramatically holding the cup in front of isagi's face. He had tried to warn him that the drink would probably be obnoxious, but rule 1 was : never try to persuade bachira meguru of anything, he would not listen.

"Dont bodyshame the bee" the dark blue joked. "I bet it's not that bad anyway"

Giving him a criminal look for not trusting his judgement, bachira forced the cup in the other's hand.

"Common try it then" he said in an insisting tone.

"I mean, sure" isagi said in a confident smile, bringing the cup to his lips and taking a sip from the yellowish substance. "Why is it kinda..."

"No, no, no "  bachira dramatically scoffs. "It is not kinda." He says taking the drink again. "Id have returned it but the shop's owner was too cute"

"No need, ill drink it" isagi says with a smile, only to collect an eyebrow raise.

"Oh how the tables change" bachira says, his eyebrow raise turning into an amused smile. "Here, a gift from the spinning bee himself" he says handing the drink to isagi.

"Ill gladly have a sip of you" isagi jokingly says, playing with words, but as it came out pretty wrong his cheeks flushed in a pinkish shade. "I mean you're delicious" he says with a nervous laugh but cursed himself fot it the second it came out cause once again it sounded really wrong. "For fucking sake what I meant is..-"

"Aye aye sir, I got it, chill" bachira laughs. He did get the joke, but taking it out of context was more pleasing to him so he did so.

"Yeah, we should go find the others" isagi said, changing the subject like he always did when he messed up with words. They've been in this amusement park for less than an hour and they're already all split up in little groups. Well it was normal, no one expected them to stay as 30 person going around the park, this wasn't a schooltrip. But they could have at least stayed in their little friendgroup. After all, bachira forcefully dragged kunigami here, all that just to abandon him and get lost with isagi.

"Kunigami is gonna kill me" the half blond giggled, as if it was a fun idea to imagine.

"He's no fun alone, we need to go cheer him up" isagi answered, taking a sip of the spinning bee. "Hmm really good" he teased, making bachira roll his eyes with a bubbly smile. "Oh look ! isn't that princess there ?" He exclaimed, pointing at a little groupment of people where stood a slim silhouette with long red hair.

"Yup yup that sure is"  bachira smiled. "Let's gooo" he said, pulling isagi by the hand.

Getting closer to chigiri, they could destinguish the rest of the people he was with. Otoya eita and karasu tabito, the brand new friends he made during the u20 preparatifs.

"Common princess please itd be fun" karasu says. "right bro ?"

"Real bro" otoya agreed.

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