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"how much is this going to take ?" Sighted isagi. Him and bachira were on this roller coaster for about half an hour now, since the electricity cutoff. Hopefully, they weren't upside down, but the position wasn't any more pleasant.

"I can't feel my feet anymore" complained the half blond.

"I think im going to throw up that spinning bee from earlier" isagi put a hand on his stomach. Why did it have to be right now ? Couldn't the electricity wait for them to get off the ride before cutting off ..

"Oh please dont ! " bachira laughed. The situation wasn't completely dramatic, it had a bit of comic too. If they ignored the fact they might die if this doesn't work out correctly of course.

"Let's commit double suicide" bachira said again, a happy smile never leaving his lips. Isagi turned to look at him, an eyebrow raising on his tired face.

"Who'd lead japan to the top if we die ?" He asked, an amused smile curling his lips too.

"You're right" bachira giggled. "But what if we actually die ?"

"Yaaah don't be a pessimist !" Isagi punched him gently. "We won't, its just a small cutoff"

"Small ? It's taking longer than Chigiri's showers !" He chuckled.

"Bullshit, nothing is longer than that" isagi laughed.

"Fair" he laughed too. He's always laughing anyway. "But it's still long as fuck ! So long i already got hungry again"

"Ill buy you corndogs when we get off here" isagi said. Up from where he was, he could see a corndog stand, and he's sure bachira already mentioned how much he loved these.

"Yayaya I love corndogs" he exclaimed, turning to look at his friend. "But do you know what else I love ?"

"Wh-what ?" Isagi asked, not daring to look back at bachira. There was no way it was happening now, it was too soon. He wasn't sure of his feelings yet ! He didn't even know if he was interested in men to start with. What im I going to say ? Nonono I can't deal with this n..-

"Orange soda !" Bachira smiled, looking in front of him again. He knew better than to confess anything to his "straight"  bestfriend. He needed him to get out of the closet first. He'll maybe think about it then, he was a patient person after all.

Bachira knew who he was from a very young age. That was the advantage of not having any friend, you could fully focus on yourself, you could be yourself's confident and best buddy, and know your person more than anyone else. Being constantly rejected and never having a single soul to talk to besides his mother made him sit alone and talk to himself more often than required, sometimes thinking what was so special about him and why nobody would play with him. He was never really dramatic about it, his mother was more than enough, why would he go crying about others  giving him attention or not when he had her ?
During his talking sections, he made a first real friend, his Monster. Together they did everything. Looking back at it, bachira might of have been a bit silly about that, Rin even once called him schizophrenic, but he knew they were all overreacting, wasn't it common to have imaginary friends ?

Because of that loneliness, bachira got to overthink every little aspect of his personnality, his likings, his character traits, his sexuality. Everything. His mother was also very supportive, so he easily felt confortable in his skin as a bisexual man. But he could understand that isagi didn't go through the same process, he was still in default mode, and bachira was ready to wait for him.

The only reason the bicolor was so confident that isagi might not be straight was the fact they had kissed before, two times actually and that they both seemed to enjoy it. The first time back in Team Z' days, after the match against reonagi's team and the second time in the changing room, after the U20 match, and that time, it was even isagi who started it. So, bachira's hopes were still up, but he didn't really mind them staying platonic either, he finally had a partner and he wouldn't trade it for anything in the word.

"Is that chigiri down there ?" Asked isagi, squinting his eyes to identify the red haired silhouette.

"Yeah ! And that's kunigami at the shooting range" bachira observed, he had a very good eyesight.

"Do you think they're..hum you know ?" Isagi asked, trying to make weird movements with his hand making the bicolor giggle. He has guessed that his friend was trying to do the fruity hand sign.

"Im pretty sure kunigami is bi, I mean, not that he told me himself but he insinuated it" answered the water color eyed. "I don't know about Chigiri tho"

"I mean he's probably also hum..yeah !" He stuttered, avoiding to use specific words again. "they're too suspi...-"

"Okay sorry to interrupt you but are they kissing ?" Exclaimed bachira, a big smile enlightning his face. 

"Im sorry ?" Isagi asked, not understanding what his friend meant.

"I mean Chigiri and..- just look down there !"

Isagi did what he was asked to, now facing a very distant view of what seemed to be two people kissing near the shooting range. He squinted a little bit to make sure he wasn't imagining things, his capacity to see for afar wasn't as perfect as his friend's. But yeah, it was definitely real.

"They just answered for themselfs.." sighted isagi.

"Happy for them" smiled the half blonde. His smile was so cute, the other couldn't take his eyes off him, even when a more interested view was happening down there all he could look at was how genuinly happy bachira was. He looked so pure, oh how he loved him. As friends of course, isagi had to correct himself.

Suddently, the ride started moving again, as fast at it originally was, making the two of them gasp in surprise and grab their security belts.

"Woah, surprises keep coming one after another, today is so thrilling !" Exclaimed bachira who was almost shouting so that his friend could hear him because everything got so loud after the electricity returned (mostly people screaming.)

"I just hope the next one won't be me throwing up on you" joked isagi who was screaming as well.

"I genuinly hope you don't either !" Giggled bachira whose hands were in the air, fully enjoying the roller coaster.

"Yeah... I won't" isagi mumbled to himself, how could he throw up on such an adorable sight, he'd rather die. Reflecting on what he was thinking, he looked away and tried to enjoy the rest of the ride too. He really needed to talk about this to someone, his doubts about himself, mixed feelings about his bestfriends, and anything feelings related. It was getting too confusing.


I've abandoned this fic for more than 6 months and I have absolutely no excuses 🔥🔥 #cooked
Sorry pookies.. I Hope you all still remember about it ! Ill try to be more consistent too !!! I got too carried away with my bluelock chatfic 😔
I also dont rlly like this chapter's writing so I apologize about it but yeah its not like it's a crucial scene so I decided to post it anyway because this was taking forever...

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