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The bus weirdly arrived to the island without any accidents and it was now standing in front of a big hotel.
Hyoma found himself looking out of the window again. Even if it was already night, you could tell that the island was truly beautiful, something you could totally see in a summerish movie, it got that good vibe. Chigiri also took time to admire the five stars hotel they were staying in, wondering once again how could ego afford such places. It was build on sand, with a perfect view on the sea, and that was probably chigiri's favorite part about this whole trip. The name sounded pretty familiar tho, "MKG" was something chigiri heard about before, but he couldn't exactly tell where from.

The second bus finally arrived and stood next to the first one, ruining the peacefull view the red head had on the beatch. He could now only see raichi's face through the window of the other bus, and the blonde really didn't look happy, but oh well raichi never looks happy, he thought to himself with an amused smile.
Not really interested in the loud blond anymore, chigiri turned his head to see what his other friends were doing. Bachira was still talking to isagi, with the exact same energy he had for the rest of the day, how can his social battery be so large, damn, it never ends.
Kunigami on the other hand looked like he was having the worst time of his life. His head was resting on the window but he wasn't really sleeping. My old hero would probably be messing around with the others if he was there, chigiri thought, a wave of confusion and sadness hitting him again. What did wild card do to him?

"Can we like.. go in ? Im tired" nagi spoke in his usual lazy tone, making chigiri raise his head.

"An old couple of workers will make you visit first, im waiting for them to come so that i can finally leave, yall are pain in the ass " the driver sighted.

"Are they the owners of this house ?" Zantetsu asked.

"First of all, that's a hotel, and the owners have no time to waste on making a bunch of teenagers visit, they're businessmen." Reo answered, saving the driver who didn't want to epxlain more.

"Okay they're here, get out! ... finally" the man said, looking so happy it became concerning. Where they that annoying ?

The players then started getting off the bus. Not really in order but it wasn't much of a mess neither. There was an old woman and what seemed to be her husband waiting outside, a warm smile on their faces.

"Welcome to the MKG, young boys!" The man spoke first. "I am Osamu! And this is my wife, istuka.."

"Hellooo!" She said in an excited tone.

Everyone bowed in respect and the couple gave it back. They both looked like lovely people, you could see it by their expressions. The woman had that radiant smile that just made you feel home, it was a good feeling, pretty much the feeling the players were looking for by coming to this trip. Confort.

Hyoma smiled back to the woman, she reminded him of his own mother. They both had that bubbly smile that makes you want to smile back.
His attention was then caught by the badge they were both wearing, it had the name of the hotel on it, and he found himself wondering again where he saw it before.

"Huuuh ?" The man let out a surprised noise. "If that's not our little baby here, Hm itsuka ?" He said, smiling like a proud dad.

Nobody really got it at first, but the woman's face suddently lit up. She moved between the crowd to hug that one player. Reo mikage.

Obviously ! That's why MKG sounded so familiar. It stands for Mikage. How could  he not get that. Chigiri thought to himself again. The rest of the players seemed to get it too but the old woman still chose to explain the situation by exposing some embarassing childhood memories.

"Enough, itsuka ..." reo sighted, an embarassed smile on his face.

The woman let go of him after gently messing with his hair, he then moved closer to chigiri as he always does when he needed a good gossip section.

"That was embarassing" reo started.

"Nah that was cute" chigiri giggled.

"I know you just said that to disagree with me"

Chigiri smiled, it wasn't real, the childhood stories were really cute but he was lazy to talk back so he just flashed a smile. When you're blessed with pure beauty, this works everytime.

"I already know this place like the back of my hand" the purple sighted. "Wanna sneak out and chill on the sand ? Ill pay you a drink princess"

"Ice cream" chigiri smiled.

"Aish. Deal" he said taking the other's hand and slowly escaping the group, making sure no one noticed.
They were probably going to spend the night talking life out, these were some activities they only did together, because they just always get what the other is about.

The sea was chill tonight. There was some people walking here and there, but the place wasn't mainly crowded.
Waves were small and calm, creating a peacefull sound that reo loved more than anything. This island reminded him of his lonely childhood, but this one exact spot was always his escape from life and what came from it, because he was never one to face his problems, no matter how small they were. Nobody taught him that, so it wasn't his fault.
He grew up in a what i want i get environnement, so once this rule breaks, he felt trapped.
His parents also never really cared about his childish concerns, all they ever talked about were studies, business and succeeding some company.

There was that one holiday the Mikages always spent here in this island. It was the best ever, only because reo got to see Itsuka and osamu, it was some strong parent figure he lacked. They always gave him the attention he needed as a kid, and even as a teenager, they treated him like their own kid, with all the love and care in the world. They made that lack fade out for some peacefull days.
But it always came back the moment he stepped home, witch is why he developped some kind of attention need while growing up. That feeling lead to messing up the only relationship that mattered for him. Nagi.

Chigiri obviously noticed his friend phasing out, but he didn't rush to talk.
He knew the night would be long and they will probably stay here until the sun's up, so they didn't need to get started now. The princess then layed his head on his friend's shoulder and took a picture of the sea. He wasn't one to take pictures of everything but it was for his sister, he knew how much she loved the sea. He sent it to her and said nothing else, she is going to spam with questions anyway, he thought to himself.

"So." Reo started and the talk took an endless start. No player unmentionned, no topic untalked and no emotion left out. It was the fruits of a wholesome friendship between two dramatic gossipees who's only failure were relations with people. 

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