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Chigiri slowly entered the room. It was completely dark, so much he had to use his phone's lightning to see around.
Did isagi lose his mind ? Who would even close a window with a majestic view on the beatch ? He sighted, it was hard to even walk without risking to end up head over heels, and he was surely not talking about love. Moving his phone around to make a good use of it's light, the red head could finally distinguish  what seemed like the bathroom's door. It wasn't very far from his current standing spot, so chigiri made his way to it without tripping, a relieved sight crossing his lips as he got in. He closed the door while turning on the lights, then he took a moment to look at his beautiful self in the mirror, unbraiding his hair in the process. That being done, he takes out all the skin and hair care products he brang with him of his bag.
He wasn't really tired, so there was no need to rush to bed, escpecially when it was already morning. The preview thought was just an excuse to spend the next hour messing with his face and hair unstead of getting a proper amount of sleep.

No product untested and no hairstyle untried. Chigiri spent a good time fooling in front of the mirror, taking random selcas, mumbling his favorite songs and texting reo who was basically freaking out. They even facetimed for a bit, no talking cause none of them wanted to wake up their dormmates, especially not reo, but they still had quiet laughing crisis by just looking at eachother. The power of friendship.

"Get Lost, it's almost six, I wanna sleep" chigiri whispered in the mic.

"Noooo don't leave me here princess, I won't survive it" reo whispered back faking a cry.

Ever since he got in the dorm, a weird nostalgic vibe was floating in the air. Reo couldn't sleep, couldn't watch something on his phone either cause he won't concentrate, and yet he wasn't really thinking about something. Basically head empty but insomniac.

The room smelled like nagi, his scent was even on the sheets. Did he sleep on both beds before deciding witch one to take or im i just having my general early morning delusion ? Reo couldn't answer. Reo wasn't thinking about an answer. Reo wasn't thinking at all. He took his phone and called his personal sweat escape. A certain red colored hair guy with a massive pretty face syndrome. If that wasn't his favorite supportive cast to the highshool typa romance he was living.

"Oups looks like we woke up isagi" chigiri said in a giggle, not really sounding apologetic.

"Ooh.." reo said. Chigiri couldnt really see him pout as the other was in the dark (not a complete one, nagi was more resonnable than isagi on this one) but he could guess he was by the tone of his voice.

"I know you need me throught the hard experiences of life, but you gotta fuck off now, bye byee~" chigiri said in a playfull tone, taking a cute pose as he hung up.

He then opened the door, apologizing.

"My bad for waking you up" he said with a smile. Isagi was still sitting in his bed, the bathroom's lighting did not really show his face, so the red head didn't know either his friend was pissed or just extremely sleepy.

"Selfish princess.." a hoarse voice said.
Alright. That was definitely not isagi, and that was definitely not a voice chigiri had a problem to recognise either.  It was familliar, it had a sound of home to it, a sound chigiri appreciated despite it being harsher than usual.

Chigiri didn't answer and didn't turn off the bathroom's light neither. he quietly moved to his own bed and sat on it to face the other, a smile still on his face.

"Why did you close the window, tasteless hero" the red head asked, his pink eyes shining despite the nearly nocturn dark. 

"I dont owe you explenations" but i fucking owe you apologies, my dear, too bad im not fully daring to make them yet, you didn't deserve me to break my unspoken promise like that. And im not a hero, so stop fucking calling me that. Im an idiot, a fucking fool, because only a fool would drop a Guy like you.

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