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The all night chat ended with them both falling asleep on the sand. Chigiri's head was on reo's laps, he was peacefully dreaming, he valued his sleep as more important than overthinking any sort of matter. The purple wished he could also find that idyllic peace in his sleep, but all he could see when eyes closed was his white haired fantasy. Why did things take such a dramatic tournure? Reo always asked himself that. He never found if hard to make friends, he had tons of them and yet he still took the time and patience to befriend that one quiet guy who was on top of that playing hard to get. He even ended up cherishing that one friendship more than any other. He treasured nagi. So much that their friends started to question their relationship, some of them even scolded reo for spoiling nagi that much. But he never cared, he kept doing so because after all he was his treasure, why wouldn't he give him the world ? Those sweat innocent thoughts flew away when that exact same world got crushed in the space of two minutes. The taste of betrayal was to this day like poison to reo's tongue. How dare his most treasured one chose someone else over him ? Did he not remember their promise or did he just not care at all. That was an affirmation reo believed, believed and desguised into a question sometimes for the good of his own mental state.

He was hurt. People thought he was dramatic, starting from his own parents when he tried to explain the matter to them to his other blue lock "friends" who thought he was just an obsessive maniac. Nobody ever understood what he felt lon that day. That good day he saw his beautiful angel cross the devil line. That good day when he couldn't find sleep. That good day he knew blue lock was somewhere he needed to survive alone. Simply that good day he finally understood nagi was his treasure, but reo was never his.

"Reo" chigiri's sweet voice resonated.
Out of all people, that egoistic princess was the only one reo found confort in. They got eachother, just perfectly. And chigiri was never the mean villain they made him look like. He was certainly very bitchy, a big gossipee and his humor type was definitly not for sensitive people, but he was actually very caring.

"Sleeping beauty is awake ?" Reo asked, a playfull smile taking place on his face.

"Sleeping beauty ? My eyebags would probably say otherwhise after the night your sad ass made me live" chigiri said in a joking tone, slowly sitting back as he was previously laying on reo.

"As if you aren't also sad, and your face is litteraly shining"

"Probably not as sad as you"

"Still sad."

"Oof whatever" the princess rolled his eyes. He said he wasn't as sad, but he maybe was after all. His obsession level wasn't as high as reo's for sure, he also didnt't talk about it a lot, but it hurted him just as much. The topic always lead him to confusion, what could have possibly happend to his caring mate in wild card for him to change that much?
And whatever happend, what did it have to do with chigiri ? What did it have to do with them ?

"Let's just go back to the hotel.. it's five a.m, im hungry and deprived of sleep" the mikage said, standing up and softly taking of the sand on his pants.

Chigiri stood up as well and started moving his fingers through his long red hair to take of the possible sand that found it's way to it.

"Don't tell me you're going to sleep now ?" Reo giggling pretty much answered the red's question, he was definitely going to sleep.

"As I said, it's five a.m, I dont see myself doing anything else" he chuckled.

"Alright" they stepped in the hotel's main hall. The inside was just as beautiful as the outside. The reception area was large and imposing, with white marble floors and gold-colored accents everywhere. The front desk is made of dark oak and the walls are covered in fine art. The air is tinged with the faint scent of peaches, reo's favorite fruit, chigiri knew, not that reo told him, but nagi once did when they shared dorms. The soft sound of classical music can be heard playing throughout the space, it was really low, probably considering how early it was.

"I wonder how's the room organisation" reo said walking towards what looked like a receptionist. She was sitting on the other side of the counter, looking at her computer screen with a radiant commercial smile.
"Hi Rina !" A more genuine smile formed on her face as she looked at the purple head.

"It's nice seeing you around, Reo!" She spoke with a welcoming tone. Her orange hair were arranged in a perfect bun, her makeup was smoothly done and she looked overall very beautiful, someone you could totally hire to welcome clients.

"Nice seeing you too miss !" He giggled.
"Could you please give us our room's numbers ?"

"Oh sure ! Mister ego booked one room for every two people" she explained while typing on her keyboard. "It was randomly generated, but well your parents asked me to arrange you with someone you're familiar with so i guessed nagi would be the best opt..-"

"What ?" She didn't get to finish her sentence that reo spoke.

Chigiri looked away, holding in a good laugh but the smile on his face said it all.

"Hey don't you dare to laugh" the purple threatned. He then turned back his head to face a confused Rina waiting for explenations.

"Hum.. have I done a mistake ?' she asked, letting out a tired sight before smiling playfully at Reo. "But I thought he was your treasure ?"

Chigiri let out that well restrained laugh as the purple sighted in embarassement.

"You got the whole planet knowing didn't you ?" Chigiri asked. "Well ay good luck with your roommate"

Some red could be seen on the purple's cheeks. He wasn't fluttered, obviously the situation wasn't really something to get fluttered about. He was mostly embarassed finding out that even a receptionist knew about this silly nicknames. Thinking about it now, he probably did tell a lot of random people about his favorite football buddy, but the "random" part was getting a little bit out of hand.

"Shut up" reo's face was forming a sort of embarassed pout. "Can i change ? Maybe switch with someone ?"

"Hum  everyone's still sleeping right now so i dont think it's possible to switch !" She said with a smile. "But I will see what I can do about it tomorrow !"

Chigiri smiled. He just won their unspoken little game, reo was definitely sharing that room with nagi. The defeated's reaction was only an eyeroll. Mission succeeded, respect.

"Name please ?" The orange head smiled, looking at chigiri.

"Chigiri hyoma" he asnwered, giving back the same sweat smile.

"Alright, you are paired with isagi yoichi. I sincerely Hope you were more lucky than Reo ! " She said in a joking tone.

"Oh yeah, he definitely is." Reo replayed for him, taking the two keys the woman was handing. "Thank you, Rina !"

"You're welcome ! Enjoy your stay !" She said cheerfully while the two boys were walking away.

"Why does this keep happening to me?" Reo said with a defeated look.

"You're over reacting"

"Yeah sure, cause your roommate is not Mr rensuke"

"Hey ! He's the one running away, I would never" the red head said fermly, a little sarcasm could still be heard in his voice.

"I thought running was your thing ?"

Chigiri didn't answer but still giggled. He didn't find that hilarious, but it was totally to his taste of humor. The doors around all had big clear numbers on them, but they somehow still took exactly five minutes to find their doors. Mostly because reo was refusing to let go of chigiri and kept asking either he should act normally or be cold to nagi and other silly little questions.

Finally, after what seemed like eternity to both of them, they headed to their rooms. Finally they were going to get some good sleep. Or maybe not.

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