Chapter 3

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Wadi stared down at her cup. Rahim pushed his plate towards her. "Eat," he said gently. Wadi did so. As she did, she muttered, "why are we even here?" 

"In Ketterdam? Hringkälla will be soon. Plus, there was talk on the ship about Kirigan's forces," Rahim added. "That and Hringkälla is bad news for us." 

Wadi sighed. "I know." She glanced up from her pastry and saw Rahim staring out the window. "What is it?" she asked. 

"My father grew up here. In Kerch." Rahim took a gulp of his tea. "His family had jobs here, as servants..." 

"...And then he moved back to Ravka and met your mother," Wadi finished. 

"And then they had me." 

Wadi nodded. Rahim looked at her. The inferni closed her eyes. She didn't want to think about her parents right now. Rahim reached over and squeezed her hand. "It's okay." He got up from his seat. "Come on, let's go see the Sankt Emerens festival." 

The what? Wadi wanted to ask, but Rahim gave her a meaningful glance that had her keep quiet. It was already bad enough that capitalism had divine standing in Kerch. If she went asking around about Sankt Emerens, there was no telling what the Kerch would do to her. 

The two plunged into the streets, masks fitted onto their faces. It was filled with people dressed in colourful masks and costumes. Rahim smiled to himself. Wadi looked at him. "What?" 

"I remember my father telling me about this. All the bright colours. Said it reminded him of home." 

"Except without the masks, obviously," Wadi added, glancing around warily at the festival goers. Rahim kept a tight hold on her hand. Dressed in purple, Wadi felt like she fit right in, actually. 

"Are we going into the Barrel?" Wadi whispered. 

"No," Rahim whispered back as two people with gorgeous masks passed them, chatting. "But that's the only place we haven't searched." Wadi's chest tightened as they stepped onto the docks. "What about the Menag-" 

Rahim turned to his wife, cupping her face in his hands. "No. We're not checking there." He lowered his voice further. "We kept her away from there. Remember that." 

Wadi wanted to argue, but kept quiet. It was tense now. 

"Listen," Rahim started, but Wadi shushed him. She nodded to the sign on her right. Rahim glanced at it, and his heart dropped to his boots. 

"The ship's delayed? By half an hour?" 

"We'll find another place to stay," Wadi tried to reassure him, but she looked at the horizon. The sun had started setting. 

"Let's go back to that cafe-" 

"No. We need to find an inn." She looked at the shops opposite the docks until her eyes landed on a quaint little one a little further down.

Rahim put a hand on his wife's arm to stop her. "Wait! It's here." 

The ship docked. Wadi paused. "It doesn't have a flag," she whispered. 

"What else can we do?" Rahim muttered. 

Two Shu people stepped down from the stairs onto the docks. "Who are you?" the woman asked as she approached them. 

"We're..." Rahim paused. "We're planning to go back to Ravka." 

The woman whistled. "Only half-true, I see." 

"I-" Rahim started to respond, but Wadi held up a hand to silence him. "You're heartrenders?" 

"In Ravka, we would be. But," the woman added, "Tolya and I don't really do that. What are you looking for?" 

"A ship." Rahim turned to Wadi. "I don't think we should do this," he whispered. 

"We've been looking for them for a week," Wadi whispered.

"'Them'?" The woman stepped towards Rahim. "Ooh, your heart is beating very fast." 

"Tamar, come now." The Shu man, presumably Tolya, cut in as he stepped in front of his sister. "The sun is setting." 

"We need a place to stay the night," Wadi said. "And we saw your ship." 

"You're leaving Kerch that quickly? Not touring Ketterdam?" a young Zemeni woman joked.

"...No," Rahim said finally.

Tamar smiled. "So. Just one night?" 

"Only one. Won't be joining your crew, I'm afraid." 

Rahim glanced at her. He held out his hand. Wadi took it, and the two of them walked up the stairs, Tamar and Tolya behind them. 

"Alright! We have guests!" Tamar hollered. "Whilst Sturmhond does business, we keep them safe! Understood?" 

Everyone chanted back a 'yes', and Tamar nodded, satisfied. She pointed to two hammocks. "That'll be your lodgings for the night. Breakfast is at five," she added, then she and Tolya sat down with the Zemeni woman from before and a few other crew members. 

Wadi nodded. She was used to waking up early. "Alright," she replied.

"Since when did you give out orders?" The woman asked with a small smile. 

"Since Sturmhond asked me to take over for a bit, Miradi," Tamar replied warmly. 

"Come on," Rahim said, noticing Wadi's silence. He led them to the hammocks, where Wadi sat down. 

"Sleep," he said quietly. "I'll take first watch." 

Wadi nodded. She kissed Rahim's palm, and he smiled to himself. The inferni got into bed and closed her eyes. 

Wadi didn't want to think about her parents, but the nightmares that came in her sleep provided her no relief.

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