Chapter 15

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It was raining outside when Czarina woke up. The amplifier wiped the crust from her eyes, got ready, and set out.

Kribirsk looked strange now. It had, of course, always looked bleak. But now with the confirmation that Kirigan had survived the volcra, Czarina knew she needed to get out of here.

She kept to the woods, dark brown eyes glancing around for any sign of danger. Czarina was a Hedjut amplifier. She could not risk being found by the First Army or Kirigan's grisha, now.

Great. Another enemy to worry about, Czarina thought with a sigh. At least she had a pistol on her belt, something she'd kept in hiding back at the Little Palace. Most commoners didn't even have a weapon.

Czarina wanted to fish, but that was too dangerous - she could be easily seen in clearings, and a tidemaker might recognise her and take a shot at murdering her to take her bones for their own. She couldn't risk it. So instead, she kept to birds and deer she found in the woods.

Czarina hated that she was made for usefulness. Something to be used for grisha power. Carved up so her skeleton could serve someone more powerful. She had value as a human being, did she not? Or did grisha view her as lesser, too?

Probably, the amplifier answered her internal question sadly.

Checking her map was easy. There were rumours of a sanctuary for grisha against Kirigan. Czarina knew it was the only place she'd be safe.

Her heart ached the further she moved from Áidná, but there was nothing to be done. This was all she had now.

And so, Czarina forced herself to put one step in front of the other as the noon sun shone in the sky.


Saida shook her head as she walked alongside Dahlia. "How did they recognise us?" she asked.

Beside her, her sister's eyebrows shot up. "Because you're wearing heartrender colours?" she said, as if it should've been obvious. Saida looked down at the diamond-patterned vest she wore over her white shirt. Oh. The dark red and black diamonds were there for all to see.

Saida checked the compass, then suddenly grinned. "We're going shopping."
Dahlia's eyes widened. "No. No," she started to say. Saida linked her arm through hers. Dahlia threw her head back. "Ughhhhh."

"Come on," Saida insisted, and she pulled her sister along the path.
"I hate shopping," Dahlia muttered.
Saida raised an eyebrow. "Weren't you a deliverer?"
"That's groceries. This is-"
"-torture? Irritating?" Saida finished. "You always used to say that." She nudged Dahlia's shoulder with hers. "Meant you couldn't daydream."
"I had to focus on reality for once. The worst," Dahlia added, and Saida laughed.
"But once you saw a sarafan you liked, you never wanted to leave the shop."
Dahlia blushed. "Guilty as charged."
"...Are you alright?" Saida asked after a few moments of silence.
Dahlia seemed to struggle with her response, before saying, "sure." Saida pursed her lips.

The shop they walked into was rundown. Saida shook her head as she looked around. "They must have evacuated."
"Not surprised," the heartrender heard Dahlia mutter. At the other end of the shop, Saida looked through the rail near the counter. There had to be something that could help her blend in.

Suddenly, Saida's eyes lighted on a dull purple blouse. She took it and ducked behind the curtains of the changing room.

"This okay?" she asked once she'd changed.
"Good," Dahlia replied simply, and waited whilst Saida put the money beneath the till.

"Well, that's done then." Saida stuffed her old blouse and vest into her bag. "Let's move." I hope Ivanna's alright, she thought to herself, the alkemi's face appearing in her mind. The heartrender sighed softly, then took out the map.

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