The afterwards - fluff (ig?) - R: yes

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Idea: @ThePotterhead1234
Words: 1095
Warnings: nah

"...So after that, he was like 'omg Remus I love you so much!' and I was like 'ahem, I'm still here lovebirds'. But those fuckers dared to ignore me! So I just left" James said to his boyfriend. They were sitting at the edge of the Astronomy tower just hanging out, it was something they almost always did and loved to do. Regulus was about to finish his cigarette while James was ranting about how Sirius and Remus made him thirdwheel them at lunch ealrier the day.

"Peter wasn't even there for my support, because yesterday he had a test at Muggle Studies. Remus told him 'break your leg!' Like you know, that what people tell each other to wish good luck?" James asked. Regulus hummed as an agreement and blew out some smoke. "Well Peter took that a little bit too seriously and now he is in the Hospital wing. Pomfry said it will take few days for him to recover. She said the potions she had to use were strong and took a lot of his energy" James said.

Regulus snorted and put his other hand what wasn't holding the cigarette to a self-defence position as James glared to him. "I'm sorry darling, but this Pettigrew dude seems to be dumb as hell. And when you said 'a little bit too seriously' and the next words are about him being in the hospital wing-" Regulus started to laugh, "-Gosh, that's hilarious."

James hated himself for smiling, because his boyfriend was laughing to his friend being hurt, which should be a red flag to anyone with a brain, which Regulus wasn't sure if James owned- at least sometimes. But also seeing and hearing Regulus laugh made him happy, and when you're being happy, it's hard to look angry.

Regulus dropped his cigarette over the edge as it was too hard to hold it when he started to laugh even harder. "Oh shit" Regulus said in between his laughs and took his wand to make a silent accio to get it back. James just smiled, completly hyptonized by Regulus. Regulus started to calm down and and took one last inhale of the cigarette before stubbed it out.

Regulus smiled to James, who woke up from his trance. "I think we should get going" Regulus said and stood up. "Yeah, you're right. I will use my the insibility cloak" James said and stood up too. "Okay! Bye love, see you later" Regulus said and started to go to the door. "You're forgetting something" James said. Regulus turned around, "What is it?"

James didn't answer and only looked into Regulus' eyes. "What?" Regulus repeated, "Ohh." Regulus stepped closer to James and kissed his cheeck. "Satisfied?" he smiled. "No!" James said with a baby voice. Regulus giggled and pecked James' lips. When Regulus just smiled and was about to start leaving again, James took his chin and pulled him closer to a kiss. Regulus laughed into the kiss, which let James slide his tongue inside of Regulus' mouth. Regulus smiled and danced with James' tongue with his own. James pulled away and went for his neck.

James kissed, licked and bit the spot he knew Regulus' enjoyed the most and even got a moan out of Regulus. "I really should get going" Regulus said and James pulled away, kissing Regulus' forehead for the final time. "Sleep well, love" James smiled and let Regulus go. Regulus thanked him by kissing his cheeck and then headed to the door. "Bye!" Regulus said and left.

* * *

"So? How was it?" Evan asked when Regulus returned to the dorm. "Huh?" Regulus asked. "With Potter dumbass" Evan said rolling his eyes. "How did you know I was with him?" Regulus asked. "Oh come on it's obivous. Remeber the reason you told us you were daiting? Because we found out! You're never alone for that long. You're always with him" Barty said from his own bed. "I don't understand what you're talking about" Regulus said and walked to his own bed to start taking changing to his pyjamas. "You smiled like a mad man when you stepped in" Evan said.

"Is it illegal to be happy?" Regulus asked when he had finished changing his clothes. "Of course not" Evan said. "Nice hickey you got there, Reggie, very pretty" Barty said pointing to Regulus' neck. Regulus ran to their dorm's mirror and to his horror, there was a very clesr purple mark on his neck, right where James had worked on. "Damn, Potter knows what he is doing" Evan said when he saw the mark. Barty laughed and Evan soon joined in. Meanwhile Regulus was busy worrying about the mark. "Ugh! That stupid fucking bastard!" Regulus said. "It makes it way funnier that you're in fact talking about your boyfriend" Evan said and made them both laugh harder.

"Shut it you both and help me cover it!"

* * *

James was not that lucky.

When he stepped into his dorm, Remus and Sirius were waiting for him with the Marauders map. Sirius seemed to be shocked, but James couldn't read any other emotions from his face. Remus seemed calm, like there wouldn't have been anything new to him. "Sup" James greeted. "You fucked my brother" Sirius said.

"What? No! I would never do that!" James said. "Not with out his consent at least" James mumbled to himself. "I saw you from the map" Sirius said. "We just hang out!" James protested. "You seemed to be pretty damn close for just hanging out" Sirius said louder. "I only gave him a hickey it's not that bad-"

It was at that moment when he knew, he fucked up.


James didn't like Remus being a werewolf, as it hurt Remus. But now he was very glad of the strenght he had as he hold Sirius back. "Relax darling" Remus said. "It's never with out his consent idiot" James said, "I didn't rape him! I just ranted to him about third wheeling you!"

At the end of the day, James was alive, aka Sirius was okay with them. But not before he made sure James knew, that if a single tear from Regulus was his fault, it would be the end of him.

I hope this was what you were looking for!

Also notice that this is very rare for me to do these this quickly! Currently I am also working on a request that was sent to me a month ago, because I lost motivation on it.


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