It was NOT supposed to last - smut, angst - R: no

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Bc I want to do this

Please send requests I don't have ideas forever

Idea: Me
Words: 1338
Warnings: smut, pregnancy, bottom Reg


James pushed Regulus on top of the bed at the room of requirements. Regulus didn't have his shirt on and James' one was open. They were both breathing loudly. James slid his hand to take off Regulus' jeans ans succeed. Regulus was watching James undressing himself out of his shirt. James came back on top of Regulus and slid his hand in Regulus' boxers with out a warning, making Regulus moan loudly when he started to give him handjob. "Merlin Potter- ngh - Didn't think you would be a top" Regulus said moaning in the middle of the sentence.

"And I didn't think you would be a bottom" James whispered into his ear. "I'm not! You just don't let- Oh my fucking god why are you so good at this" Regulus moaned. Then James took away his hand before Regulus was ever near finishing and took off Regulus' boxers in the process. Then he took off his own jeans, so Regulus wouldn't be too uncomfortable.

James came back again and stared at Regulus' naked body. "Like what you see, Potter?" Regulus smirked. James smirked back, "Very much." James began kissing all over Regulus' body, finishing by kissing the top of Regulus' dick. Regulus groaned and said "Fuck you" when James pulled away. "You wish, but I'm the top tonight, darling" James smiled.

James took off his own boxers and muttered a lube spell to his fingers. Regulus waited paitently. James pushed the first finger in. "Shit" Regulus said as it hurt so much. "We can always stop if you-" "Don't you dare to stop" Regulus hissed. James started to move his finger and soon Regulus' cries changed to moans. That was when James thought it was time to add second finger. He started to do the scissor movement while moving his fingers, making Regulus moan again.

He then stopped, when he tought it was enough and did the lube spell on his dick. He put it on Regulus' entrance. When he didn't continue, Regulus got inpatient. "What could you possibly be waiting for?" Regulus asked. Then James pushed in all the way, but didn't move. "I just wanted to know if it was okay, jeez" James laughed. Regulus couldn't care less, he just wanted James to move and showed this with a glare. James smiled and started to move slowly at first, but faster and harder as time went by.

Regulus moaned loudly, when James' pace was fast. Regulus couldn't stop moaning. Then Regulus screamed James' name and James grinned, knowing what he had hit. He aimed for that spot. Now Regulus couldn't stop screaming. It wasn't too long after when they both cummed. They stopped and James pulled out. "You're way too good at that" Regulus said, he had closed his eyes. "Thank you, Black! I could say the same" James said and kissed Regulus' cheeck. He cleaned them both and then put on his own clothes. James was already leaving when Regulus was only getting up from the bed. "You remember what we agreed on?" James asked.

"Yeah yeah. To not tell Sirius" Regulus said. "Good, I don't want him to kill me even if this was just one time thing" James said and left. He was gone.

Regulus had put on his boxers and jeans, currently putting on his shirt. He didn't want this to be just one time thing. He wanted to be James' boyfriend, but he knew it was impossible.


Two lines.

Two weeks later, he was holding a pregnancy test, and it had fucking two lines.

"Shit" he cursed. This was not going as planned.

He had no other options, than raising the child. That made him cry. He would definently be kicked out of his house and James would hate him. Everyone would hate him. Pregnant at the age of 15? Disgusting!

Maybe his parents would even kill him and the child. He would have to eventually escape, but where would he even go? That would get him more problems. He had to keep this as a secret for as long as he could.

He was sobbing at the toilets, hoping no one would hear. His life had just became impossible.


And so, months went by with out him telling anyone. Literally no one. Not his friends, not teachers, definently not his family. And so on, until his water came.

He had been going to his charms class when it happened. He was full of fear. What the fuck could he possibly do? Even worse, James and Sirius walked past him. He hoped they were just passing by, but then Sirius noticed him. "Hey, Reg, are you alright? You look like you would have just heard the most shocking thing ever" Sirius asked. "Yeah yeah, just go" Regulus said and tried to force a smile. However, he failed this attempt, because the baby kicked him, which made him shout "fucking bitch I swear to god!" while staring at his stomach. "You're not fine. Come on, let's go to Pomfry" Sirius said. "No, no! I'm okay, I swear- ouch" Regulus said, but the stupid baby interrupted him again.

"Don't always say no to me! Just come" Sirius said. "JUST GO AWAY THIS IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" Regulus shouted. "I AM YOUR BIG BROTHER EVERYTHING YOU DO BELONGS TO ME" Sirius shouted back. Regulus was so fucking done. "Fine. Fucking fine. I'm just so tired of this. If you so much want to know what is wrong, I'm giving a fucking birth here. So go on. Bully me-" "We are going to Pomfry. Now" Sirius said and before Regulus could react, Sirius had lifted him up and started running.

In no time, they were at the hospital wing, Pomfry all over Regulus. "Oh darling, there's still about 15 minutes before it's big enough for the baby come out. You have to wait" Pomfry said after checking Regulus and then went to get things for the birth. Sirius and James came back to him. Regulus was wearing the hospital clothing now.

Sirius sighed and sat next to him. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked. Regulus was silent for a while. "I promised the father not to tell you" Regulus then said. He could feel James staring him. "Did you tell anyone?" Sirius then asked. "No... Stop staring at me like that! Look, I didn't have options. You would have been angry, the father would have wanted to forger, our parents would have killed me and the child, I'm not teachers problem and I don't have any friends to care. The father didn't leave me with anything else. He just left and pretended it didn't happen" Regulus said. He was angry.

"I'm sorry" James said. "Oh so now you suddenly care how I'm doing? I carried- I'm still carrying your stupid child, but you didn't even look at me!" Regulus screamed. Sirius became angry in matter of seconds, when he found out what James had done. "YOU FUCKING DICK! DOES HE NOT MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU? HE IS MY LITTLE BROTHER, POTTER! YOU TELL HIM NOT TO TELL ME, LEAVING TELLING NO ONE TO BE HIS ONLY OPTION! I WOULD HAVE BEEN THE ONLY ONE TO CARE! YOU ABSOLUTE DICKHEAD!"

"I'm sorry! Okay? I didn't know! I would have done something if I would have" James said. "Like what? Forcing me to give the child to adoption or kill it so no one will know and we would keep the secret?" Regulus asked. "No! Of course not!" James said.

"Stop shouting! Regulus is about to give a birth!" Pomfry said coming back with all the stuff.


Bc this author dosen't know how to turn this back to the original plan, we'll just say that they got back together and lived happily ever after. The kid was a girl btw

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